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View Full Version : cam chain help

07-21-2008, 08:05 PM
so im replacing my cam chain. how do i get it off? i tried taking off my clutch basket but cant get that nut off inside. is it left hand thread? i dont know how to get it off anyways cause i dont know how to hold the output shaft from moving? and do i even have to take that off to get the cam chain out? it seemed like the easiest way to do it but im not sure.

07-21-2008, 08:16 PM
do you have a impact gun? that worked the best. and didnt need to hold the basket. it ripped the nut right off flawlessly. if not, its a long annoying riggourous battle. you can stick a screw driver in the gears. be careful not to damage one, done touch the fins. they break off real easy. you can get the socket that fits and crack at it with the hammer. i suggest trying to schock the bolt first if its the first time coming off. give a few good wacks with a socket thats slightly smaller than it. but i highley suggest getting your hands on am impact gun. i belive its a 27mm socket. after you get the basket off, its fairly easy from there. a few more gears on a shaft that slide off and easy sailing from there. good luck:)

07-21-2008, 08:31 PM
thanks. is it left hand thread or just regular thread

07-21-2008, 08:36 PM
Its regular threads. Only thing that worked for me was an impact gun

07-22-2008, 04:51 PM
When I replaced my cam chain, i used a terry cloth towel and an oil filter wrench i had in the ol to tool chest. It was adjustable like pliers (with a third slot), and the 'grabber' was offset at an angle from the handle so you could get the right angle to hold onto the clutch basket. Used the towel to wrap around the basket before using the wrench. Got the wrench on snug and supported the botom of the handle on the nerfs. Then I pushed down on the top of the handle to secure the wrench around the basket. I could then loosen the bolt inside the basket. Don't try to force it. Don't put too much weight on the oil filter wrench or you could chip, bend or break the basket. AND make sure to put the grabber part of the oil filter wrench as close to the engine as possible when securing it on the basket, as to further reduce the risk of bending the basket.
Did that make ANY sense? btw...I AM getting an impact gun!!!

07-23-2008, 05:20 AM
tanks for the help guys. i decided to just throw it back in the frame with one bolt and put the chain on while it was in gear to hold it. my inpact gun sucks and wouldnt do the job 4 me.

07-23-2008, 08:10 AM
The impact gun works great, for $30 I highly recommend using a clutch holder tool works very good and plus you'll need it if you want to torque the nut properly.

07-23-2008, 11:16 AM
where do i get one of those? what it lok like

07-23-2008, 12:03 PM
sent you a pm back :)