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View Full Version : Front Master cylinder brake question

12-04-2002, 02:24 PM
I stripped my Front Master cylinder when i tightened the bolt that holds the front brake lines to the Front master cylinder, so i bought a new one ( i havent put brake fluid in yet) and when i pull in the lever, air and what was left of the brake fluid comes out between the brake line and the first washer think. I got it pretty tight and im afraid if i tighten it more then i will strip it again, got any suggestions?

12-04-2002, 02:31 PM
Do you have both washers on the bolt? If you don't, that could be your problem. Also, if they're old washers, they might not be sealing because they've already been used, or they may have tiny scratches in them that let the air and fluid out, try getting new washers.

12-04-2002, 03:30 PM
ya i got both old washers, i think i might try to put like a gasket sealant on t or somethin. You think i can get those washers at a local hardware store or does it have to be from honda?

12-04-2002, 06:31 PM
Well, I would try just some copper or other soft metal washers from a hardware store, it couldn't hurt to try. If it still leaks after that, then I would go and buy honda ones, they might be made out of a special material that squishes when torqued down to form a seal. You could also try gasket sealent BUT BE CAREFUL. Make sure you don't get any on the inside of the brake line or the bolt, it might clog one of the small holes in your brake system, and then that would be a pain to clean out.