View Full Version : the history of motorcyles

12-03-2002, 09:13 PM
i just got through watching the history channel and TLC they both had a thing over the history of motorcyles. it was pretty cool. did anyone else watch it?

12-03-2002, 09:41 PM
Yeah, I saw Modern Marvels on the History Channel. I thought it was really good, and being two hours long, they didn't have to rush through everything.

I'd still like to see a show, video, or book on the history of ATV's, but that'll probably never happen...


12-03-2002, 10:02 PM
I Like motorcycle mania and motorcycle mania 2 with Jesse James. In the 2nd one they show him ridin a 400 but its only for like 20 seconds at the most. But he has some nice bikes. I didnt see the history of motorcycles though

12-03-2002, 10:22 PM
Jesse James is awesome at what he does, his bikes are beautiful, and he seems to be an all around nice guy, i remember on that one DOCUMENTary of him or whatever, he went into his shop an 1 of his pitbulls had killed the other 1 that night b4, he was like.... "oh well"...... thats crazy.....
