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07-08-2008, 08:35 PM
WTF is wrong with our government. Is that not treating us like animals or what!

I want to hear your guys opinions on this.

"This bracelet would:

• take the place of an airline boarding pass

• contain personal information about the traveler

• be able to monitor the whereabouts of each passenger and his/her luggage

• shock the wearer on command, completely immobilizing him/her for several minutes"

07-08-2008, 09:58 PM
WOW.... :huh

07-08-2008, 09:59 PM
The Soviet States of America

07-08-2008, 10:04 PM
i can see it now a malfunction where everyone on the plane is being shocked lol

Robin Hood
07-08-2008, 11:08 PM
Some terrorists would find a way to use this against us on the plane.

Wont catch me on a plane, I'll stick to road trips.

07-09-2008, 07:29 AM
as bad as it may sound, i kind of like the idea. It will prevent hijackings and it may make identification/location in case of disaster a little bit easier.

would anyone be opposed to it if it did not shock you? i bet not, but if you are doing nothing wrong then the shock issue has no bearing on you.

07-09-2008, 08:05 AM
i'd like to see them try to put one on my wrist

07-09-2008, 08:29 AM
Yeah right, do I look like some type of dog.
WTF. I'll take my chances with stopping muhamed my damn self.

07-09-2008, 08:54 AM
fruit cakes

07-09-2008, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by speedyquad
as bad as it may sound, i kind of like the idea. It will prevent hijackings and it may make identification/location in case of disaster a little bit easier.

would anyone be opposed to it if it did not shock you? i bet not, but if you are doing nothing wrong then the shock issue has no bearing on you.

Unless there is a mechanical malfunction and people get shocked for no reason.

You want to stop terrorists on planes, then require each passenger to carry a handgun on the plane with them, or they cant fly. See how many planes get hi-jacked then.

07-09-2008, 09:39 AM
I think the airlines/government could do a voluntary background check through the fbi/cia/atf whoever and we could be issued a right to fly card. If you dont want the card, head to a little room where they can do a body cavity search. The card could be done similiar to a drivers licsense by those that fly routinely. Your ready to fly, swipe the card, produce your ID etc etc.

Having everyone armed is not the answer either. Terrosist stands up, screams LALALALALALA and 20 people drill him, and send a few through a window or the fusealge causing the palne to depressurize and crash anyway:p Not everyone can understand or purchase fragmenting rounds nor can they fire under pressure. Hell you'd be more likely to die for some nutcase wanting to shoot up the plane.

The place to start is to get the illgeals of all nationalities out of here and then adopt the Isreali method of dealing with airport and plane security

Duke Nukem
07-09-2008, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
I think the airlines/government could do a voluntary background check through the fbi/cia/atf whoever and we could be issued a right to fly card. If you dont want the card, head to a little room where they can do a body cavity search. The card could be done similiar to a drivers licsense by those that fly routinely. Your ready to fly, swipe the card, produce your ID etc etc.

Having everyone armed is not the answer either. Terrosist stands up, screams LALALALALALA and 20 people drill him, and send a few through a window or the fusealge causing the palne to depressurize and crash anyway:p Not everyone can understand or purchase fragmenting rounds nor can they fire under pressure. Hell you'd be more likely to die for some nutcase wanting to shoot up the plane.

The place to start is to get the illgeals of all nationalities out of here and then adopt the Isreali method of dealing with airport and plane security

Sounds about right. Looks like you hit the nail on the head.

07-09-2008, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
The place to start is to get the illgeals of all nationalities out of here and then adopt the Isreali method of dealing with airport and plane security

How do they do it?

07-09-2008, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by ZeroLogic
How do they do it?

Shoot first ask questions later

07-09-2008, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by FoxHondaRider
i can see it now a malfunction where everyone on the plane is being shocked lol

I was thinking the same thing. Ahahha

07-09-2008, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by Pappy

Having everyone armed is not the answer either. Terrosist stands up, screams LALALALALALA and 20 people drill him, and send a few through a window or the fusealge causing the palne to depressurize and crash anyway:p LOL:blah:

07-09-2008, 02:08 PM
doesnt the bible say sumthing about this? like it the sign of the devil. because u are being marked or sumthing like if u wear three sixs

07-09-2008, 05:35 PM
Yep, thats where it is headed, getting closer all the time, and if everyone in this country looked at things the way that speedyquad does, and there are way to many that do, everyone would have chips in their heads by now. But hey, who really cares, its just a bracelet on your arm, or a chip in your hand, or a stamp on your forehead, and as long as you don't do anything wrong, then it is only for your own safety right? So I should be a good little b++++, and not ask quastions, or quastion authority, and wear my bracelet as I am told, for it is for my own safty.
People really need to wake up and realize exactly what the hell is happening to this country, or they will be in for a sad suprise.

"Those who give up essential liberties for temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety" -Benjamin Franklin

07-09-2008, 05:40 PM
and people sometimes read into things too much...

you put it on before you get on the plane and you take it off at the end of your flight...how much control over you or how much are they going to find out while you are on a plane?

i am one that is very against giving the government too much control...but there are some times that you have to give a little...

07-09-2008, 07:00 PM
And that is all that we are doing, giving a little, a little here and a little there, a little bit at a time. Having to watch that LITTLE attack on my own Country, by my own government, just to get us to give up a LITTLE more of our freedoms, was just a LITTLE to much for me, and I'm a LITTLE pissed. So until we stop giving a little, and start kicking a little, things are going to just keep getting a little bit worse my freind.

07-09-2008, 07:21 PM
Give an inch they take a mile

07-09-2008, 07:31 PM
i guess what i am saying is that you have to pick your battles...this one hurts nothing...what do you lose by it...nothing...except maybe some discomfort for a few hours...the government gains nothing...but you gain safety...

07-10-2008, 11:43 AM
what happens when the terrorist is the dude in control of the button that enables the braclets? oh snap.

07-10-2008, 11:55 AM
somehow i don't see terrorists actually becoming pilots...not just learning how to fly, but starting the whole career as either a pilot or a f.a. to be able to control the button

07-10-2008, 12:00 PM
whatever it takes to get their job done. I think they would go through years of training and stuff to get into that position of power...after all its all being done in the name of Allah.

07-10-2008, 12:05 PM
bit there is no guarantee that they would actually get a job as a pilot on a plane large enough to do any damage. there is too much that is out of their control with that scenario...although i am not saying that it is not possible

07-10-2008, 10:13 PM
Hmm, this bracelet kind of reminds me of....


07-10-2008, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
I think the airlines/government could do a voluntary background check through the fbi/cia/atf whoever and we could be issued a right to fly card. If you dont want the card, head to a little room where they can do a body cavity search. The card could be done similiar to a drivers licsense by those that fly routinely. Your ready to fly, swipe the card, produce your ID etc etc.

Having everyone armed is not the answer either. Terrosist stands up, screams LALALALALALA and 20 people drill him, and send a few through a window or the fusealge causing the palne to depressurize and crash anyway:p Not everyone can understand or purchase fragmenting rounds nor can they fire under pressure. Hell you'd be more likely to die for some nutcase wanting to shoot up the plane.

The place to start is to get the illgeals of all nationalities out of here and then adopt the Isreali method of dealing with airport and plane security

lol every thing in that plane would go out the window till some fat dude plugs the hole lol

07-10-2008, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by nofearrider1
Hmm, this bracelet kind of reminds me of....

airport security measures and the holocaust...and here i thought you were a good little bunta:devil:

lets put this issue into context....

they wont let you use a cell phone but they will pack 100 of us on the plane with electric devices turned on:eek2: