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View Full Version : Alessi crash at redbud national

07-08-2008, 07:09 PM

They red flagged and re-started the race.


07-08-2008, 07:29 PM
wow thats terrible hope he's alright that video made me feel sick just the thought of geting landing on and ran over

07-08-2008, 08:30 PM
You can't tell from watching the video but is this mostly the fault of the flagger?

07-08-2008, 08:33 PM
its right after the ski jump...by the time he crashed, the last bike was probably already in the air....with how the track layout is right there...honestly there probably wasnt anything anyone could do...your hauling *** when you land that jump

07-08-2008, 08:35 PM
OUCH!!! any word on injuries?

07-08-2008, 08:38 PM

That son of a biscuit eater got F'd up....:eek: :(

07-08-2008, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by NacsRacer027
its right after the ski jump...by the time he crashed, the last bike was probably already in the air....with how the track layout is right there...honestly there probably wasnt anything anyone could do...your hauling *** when you land that jump

Not even close...a full 7 seconds passes before the last guy runs him over. That last bike had to be at least 150-200 yards back when the accident happened.

07-08-2008, 08:50 PM
ever been to redbud?

07-08-2008, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by NacsRacer027
ever been to redbud?

Nope but I can see and count. Watch the video closely and you will see a couple of mistakes on the part of the flagger. The accident happened...watch closely to the right for the guy wearing the yellow shirt...you will see when he turns and realizes the accident happened...he was busy watching riders come down the hill. Then he leaves his post to get the bike off the track...another big no-no.

07-08-2008, 09:28 PM
actually, the flagger didn't come down and move the bike...it was another flagger who ran over to help flag other bikes. The flagger on this jump was not paying attention to the jump he was responsible for watching. It took the flagger 7 seconds to realize the accident happened.

07-08-2008, 09:41 PM
Wow your dumb if you think the flagger could of done anything at all..

When pro's see yellow the caution, they usually dont slow down they just take a different line.. There is nothing that could of been done to prevent that..

Its the start of the pro class and there all hauling ***** trying to get to the front. It was an accident.

07-08-2008, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by trx400EXtreme
OUCH!!! any word on injuries?

Mike fractured both scapula’s, his rib, and bruised his lung

i read that on allessi's website after hearing about the crash, tough break

07-08-2008, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by FHKracingZ
Wow your dumb if you think the flagger could of done anything at all..

When pro's see yellow the caution, they usually dont slow down they just take a different line.. There is nothing that could of been done to prevent that..

Its the start of the pro class and there all hauling ***** trying to get to the front. It was an accident.

agree theres usually no slow down just a more cautious approach or keeping your eyes looking around for where the trouble spot is. The flagger is there to help alert other riders that something is going on they need to watch out for. Accidents happen

07-08-2008, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by FHKracingZ
Wow your dumb if you think the flagger could of done anything at all..

When pro's see yellow the caution, they usually dont slow down they just take a different line.. There is nothing that could of been done to prevent that..

Its the start of the pro class and there all hauling ***** trying to get to the front. It was an accident.

I must be dumb because I do believe this flagger could have done something to prevent some of these riders from hitting the downed rider. I would be willing to bet he doesn't get to supervise this jump in the future. Watch the video...it doesn't lie. Another track worker had to run up from down lower on the hill to assist this guy because he was out of position and not paying attention. The accident happened at 8 seconds and it took him until 15 second mark in the video even start attempting to wave his flag. At this point in a race, seconds are critical. By the time he flagged...well there really wasn't much use in flagging any longer. If he felt the flagger had the situation under control, he would have been getting the bike off the track immediately. I've been to races and watched flaggers literally standing on the track slowing you down and pointing you exactly in the direction you needed to go to avoid the downed rider.

Freeze the video at the point of the accident and then start counting the bikes and looking at the positions. You honestly don't think this flagger could have slowed a single rider down by waving his flag and getting to the edge of the track?

Anyhow, I have better things to do than debate on the Internet. For one, I am two chapters behind on my hooked on phonics book.

07-09-2008, 12:32 AM
He ended up right in the middle of the track, the flagger would have had to cut off half the width of the track at the top of the hill to get the bikes to go around, or stand in the middle and hope they split around him. As many of them as their were like four wide, there wouldn't be any room. I was more appauled by the delayed response after all bikes had gone by. This reminds me of that hit and run video where nobody does anything then like four people go over and take a cell phone picture of it.

07-09-2008, 02:12 AM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
I must be dumb because I do believe this flagger could have done something to prevent some of these riders from hitting the downed rider. I would be willing to bet he doesn't get to supervise this jump in the future. Watch the video...it doesn't lie. Another track worker had to run up from down lower on the hill to assist this guy because he was out of position and not paying attention. The accident happened at 8 seconds and it took him until 15 second mark in the video even start attempting to wave his flag. At this point in a race, seconds are critical. By the time he flagged...well there really wasn't much use in flagging any longer. If he felt the flagger had the situation under control, he would have been getting the bike off the track immediately. I've been to races and watched flaggers literally standing on the track slowing you down and pointing you exactly in the direction you needed to go to avoid the downed rider.

Freeze the video at the point of the accident and then start counting the bikes and looking at the positions. You honestly don't think this flagger could have slowed a single rider down by waving his flag and getting to the edge of the track?

Anyhow, I have better things to do than debate on the Internet. For one, I am two chapters behind on my hooked on phonics book. You sir, should go to redbud, hit that ski jump and try slamming on your breaks right at the landing. When you land that jump, your eyes are not on the flagger in the roller ahead of you. If they woulda threw the flag at the roller..and by chance someone saw it and slammed the breaks....odds are it would have caused a HUGE *** pile up, and if the flagger at the top of the jump threw it, after the riders are already commited up the face of the jump...what would that do? It would cause them to slam the breaks up the face, and probably crash the landing. Seen it happen before...

Also, like already stated...its the pros dumbass.

07-09-2008, 06:09 AM
Say what you want but I am not about to get into name calling or a personal attack on the Internet with someone who has a different view than mine...especially if I've never met them...which could happen one day. If I meet you one day at Breezewood or some National, I am not going to feel like an *** for thinking a flagger should have been paying attention and stating that in a forum. You might or might not feel awkward...it really depends on what kind of person you are.

07-09-2008, 06:16 AM
The only help a flagger could do is getting another flagger at top of jump to flag.Like said they were all coming already.I have seen pics with 15 bikes in air at once over that jump on the starts.