View Full Version : XC ready 400ex?

12-02-2002, 07:41 PM
I am wanting to race cross country this spring, and I am wondering what are the main mods you should have for it? I already have new back maxxis razr 6ply 20x11x9 on douglous .190 rims coming.

12-02-2002, 08:40 PM
The most important things to have in cross country are in this order:

1. Tether Kill Switch. You are required to have one to race and it is a nice safety feature.

2. Full Skidplates.
PRM is a good choice. Stay away from DG or AC. They are very light duty.

3. 6-Ply Tires.
I like Razr's, it is best to have them all around rather than just the rear. Your stock rims are good to use until they get beat up, they are stronger than regular .190's.

4. Suspension.
Aftermarket suspension is the best thing you can do to your quad for any type of racing. It is expensive though. Try Works triple rates with ressie's if you can afford them for your first year. Ressie's are important in racing so your shock doesn't fade.

After that you can get into all kinds of stuff. Handlebars, bumper,grab bar, steering stabilizer, engine mods, and anything else you can think of.

12-02-2002, 09:25 PM
Suspenison is by far the most important. Look at Greg Trew. Runs a TC425 kit, and keeps right up with the big bore 500s and stuff. Hes got his bike DIALED in.

12-03-2002, 05:34 AM
Thanks guys for the info, I am getting started on that stuff right now.I do plan on getting the razrs all around, but I am just getting the back right now. Is it cheaper to buy the works triple rates w/o rezzies, and then buy them after you get the shocks.

12-03-2002, 06:59 AM
Nj has a pretty good list. But, i don't think he gave due credit to the steering dampener. I don't have one yet, but from those that i ahev talked to that do have one, they say they WILL NOT race a quad tat doesn't have one again. It makes that much of a difference.

On your question about the shocks. I just checked their web page. It didn't say anything about being able to add rezz's later, but i would think it could be done. But just remeber. If/when you add the rezz's, you have to send them in for that. They have to be built/rebuilt an have the rezzy added by a dealer...expect to pay more in the long run.

On your choice of shocks. I unlike alot of the kids on here understand the value of being BROKE! (the military isn't the place the make alot of money) But, i can appreciate better quality. Works are decient. Talk to Rico. he has been running them for a while now. But i gotta tell ya, Elka's are simply a better shock! Jeff can get you into a set mirror to mine (check my sig.) for about 750ish. I know thats alot of money. But trust me, my elka's are my most recient mod...i could kick myself in the butt today for not doing those FIRST!!!!! They are WELL worth every penny. If you can't afford the elka's, don't worry. The works are deff. going to out perform the stockers!

p.s. aks Rico what shocks he will be running next race season....caugh caugh...elka...caugh caugh...

12-03-2002, 07:57 AM
ha ha. See I am a senior in high school, so I cannot really go that much for shocks, even though I really would like to get those. So I will probaly wait a little longer and just get the works with rezzies. And what kin of steering damper would you suggest?

12-03-2002, 08:03 AM
Originally posted by fmf400ex
And what kin of steering damper would you suggest?

Denton or muscle,,both the same and rebuildable,,same one in the pic below..the quadshop has them in stock,,and they are a must for XC racing.

12-03-2002, 08:19 AM
Hey Rico, maybe this could be your opportunity to pawn off them Works shocks....you know, so you can get them Elka's and help Jeff make his comission quota this month:D :p

12-03-2002, 10:01 AM
How much is Rico askin for the shocks?

12-03-2002, 10:15 AM

YZRoostinya has a set for sale, I think around $300 or so. He has a thread about them.

12-03-2002, 11:24 AM
Ok thanks i will go check that out.

12-03-2002, 02:30 PM
Look at my Signature. That is about what you need. Only thing I would change is the skid plates. Get PRM. Most people order PRM thinking they are getting the best, well after looking at their website make sure you tell them you want .190 skids all around, if not you may get .125.

12-03-2002, 03:05 PM
I've got a PRM out back protecting the houser swingarm and a Maier belly skid..:huh :huh

12-03-2002, 05:43 PM
Oh ok, but what is wrong with the dg baja skid plate?

12-03-2002, 06:45 PM
Use your DG until it is trashed, then when it's time for a new one get a PRM.

12-04-2002, 05:34 AM
ok, I will do that