View Full Version : Do you think this will get me out of Jury Duty??

12-02-2002, 06:09 PM
I wrote this in Exrider english. :devil :devil

Deer Sirz or Madwoman:

Pleez xcuze me from jery dootie. i do not hav da time fur tis know; I m not imployed and m lokin fur a ful time jobb. Becuz I hav allot of interviews i do not hav the time fur jery dootie. Searvin on jery dootie know wood cauze un due harship on my famle and me.

Tank you,

Glow Plug
12-02-2002, 06:18 PM
I think that will do it

12-02-2002, 06:23 PM
I doubt it will work but it will be worth it just to see there faces when they read it.

12-02-2002, 06:47 PM

Thats freaking money man.....

12-02-2002, 07:06 PM
Unfortunately, when the courts want you, they'll get you. You may have to go to court, but you can get out of being stuck on a jury for a case. All you have to do is when they question you prior to picking a jury panel, just act biased toward one side or the other. Most times, one of the attorney's will ask that you be excused.

12-02-2002, 07:14 PM
Sorry, I highly doubt that you will get out of jury dootie :huh with that. They don't care if you have to find a new job, your going to go. My sister has borderline personality disorder so my wrote a letter saying she couldn't go she had to take care of her daughter(mostly moodswings . :eek: " Something like that will work.

Just hope its not as long as the O J trial :huh

12-02-2002, 08:44 PM
Jury duty is a drag I have served on six jurys and five other times I just sat for three days waiting to get picked for one. When I worked for Boeing they made us go. But we got paid plus our $10 a day from the jury duty. I live a the farthest edge of the county and got paid milage to and from the court house so I made out pretty good.

If you really don't want to sit on a jury, Just stand up in the waiting rom and yell out: "Hang the Ni**er, he shot my gay drug dealer!" and that should get you dismissed ;)

12-02-2002, 11:13 PM
Unfortunately, they are very biased......I said I was prejeduce at 18.(made that up) almost 26 and still have'nt been called!!!!!

12-03-2002, 05:01 AM
serving on a jury is part of your civic duty. don't you want to have the opportunity to have a jury trial if you are accused of a crime? or would you prefer the jurors all stay home & you and the judge work it out?

12-03-2002, 05:01 AM
Mite werk, butt mak shoor ewe spell DOODIE rite. gawd, sum peepul!

12-03-2002, 05:54 AM
You should go and serve its everyones duty. plus it might be interesting.

12-03-2002, 07:06 AM
Just go and do it! I had to a few weeks ago wound up being a case from the town I lived in it was a child rape case when I was called up for the interview the judge, DA , defence, and the exucesed where all standing there and I just said " First of all he's guilty in my eyes and second of all I am from the town this took place and i know at least one of the wintess and both cops you said would be involved,,,,, the judge said thank you your Juryer #3, "they had 56 people to chose from" I was like:huh so i got picked to serve but then after three rounds of the defance removing who they didn't like I was finaly kicked off,,,,, O and the guy got 10 years should have been longer:grr

Just read 4punksdad reply