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View Full Version : valve cover wont budge! need to adjust!

06-26-2008, 02:29 AM
alright i have a good one for you guys. on my valve cover. the exaust side tappet cover is fozen in there. i have a newly assembled head coming in tomorro and im deffinetly going to need to adjust that. and i cant get the cover off. ive tried biga s s vice grips and channel locks. wont come off. tried heating it up. nothing. and yes i tried the right side wrench. nothing. what do youguys suggest??

06-26-2008, 09:18 AM
try taking a hammer and lightly tapping around the cover there. that might jar it loose. now, i said lightly tap it, not wail it

06-26-2008, 10:47 AM
Same thing happened to me, but mine was so siezed up that the head of the tappet broke off leaving the threads in the head:eek2: so BE CAREFUL.
I would suggest running the bike until the head is nice and hot, then use a breaker bar or impact wrench to try and get it off.
Good Luck

06-27-2008, 07:42 PM
i could try running the bike but the thing is ive tried so many times to get them off that the heads are actually stripped off. so now there getting enialated with the vice grips lol

06-27-2008, 08:09 PM
do you know what a bolt extractor is?

I'm not trying to be a smart *** here, I really mean do you know what one is, and what it looks like?

it is specifically made for grabbing onto the rounded off head of a bolt or nut. it is sort of like a EZ-out, except it grabs the outside of the bolt head, rather than drilling a hole and inserting it like a EZ-out.

if you dont know what one is, I will be glad to go take a picture of my set to show you. it may just do the trick for you.

I'll have to download it to photobucket before I can post it so it might take me a little while to do, but if you would like, I'll be happy to do it for you.

06-29-2008, 09:49 AM
bolt extractors...





Quad Dude
06-30-2008, 09:02 PM
good idea and all but none of those are even close to big enough to do the job its like a 7/8 or 1" wrench size im not really sure but those wont work. ill bet money on it. wat i have done in the past is get a decent sharp chizel and a hammer and tap the corner of the cover till they come loose. but like they say be careful they can and will break. if they do jb weld works to fix em. best of luck.


06-30-2008, 11:28 PM
well i guessi got lucky on this one, i didnt end up adjusting the exhaust valves. i think they are a little tight becuasae of the new springs. but my intake valves needed to be readjusted. but it runs. no werid noises. and runs strong. so ill just leave it be for now.