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View Full Version : thoes of you who ground down the header welds

06-24-2008, 07:00 PM
anything i need to know? and these are the welds that are in the inlet to the cylinder right? what did you guys use a dremel? and obv its going to be better flow but did you notice anything, expecially on a 440 modded?

06-24-2008, 07:05 PM
do u have a port and polish job ?

06-24-2008, 07:12 PM
unfortunatley not. why?

06-24-2008, 07:20 PM
jw cause if u had that u would prob feel it better but y not get a powerbomb header from hmf ?

06-24-2008, 07:22 PM
i just blew 380 for my valve train. my vlaves blew out in my cylinder so i took a nice hit on fixing that. but i jsut want to know whats the benefits to grinding down the head. well i know them but can you feel them.

06-24-2008, 07:35 PM
idk i havent done it like if u have one day that ur bored go ahead and do it cant hurt u

06-24-2008, 07:42 PM
also let me know how it works and if u can feel it cause if it dont cost anything y not do it lol :D

06-25-2008, 01:05 AM
yeah im picking up a nice dremel on friday so ill grind em down then. ill let you know if i notice a difference though. might as well even if i dont see a difference. them *****es are huge and even look restrictive lol

06-25-2008, 10:14 AM
not sure if u read in another post about my experience..but i believe mine definitely did help..
i should of taken before/after pics

the left exhaust was restricted atleast 40% ...the other side wasnt bad at all really..but i still grinded down..
i think this definitely improved but not by a lot..

but any lil bit helps right??

06-25-2008, 04:47 PM
oh wow thats quite the bit lol yeah ill deffinetly be doing that mod then. right away. thanks alot man

06-25-2008, 05:09 PM
I removed the header welds from the inside diameter of mine.

Here's a link to the how to thread.

06-25-2008, 05:14 PM
some are better/worse than others. Mine were almost like someone already ground them down there wasnt much there but I still cleaned tem up better and ground downt he little bit there was.

06-26-2008, 07:16 PM
i have a WB e series header, would grinding down theose welds help or is that just stock headers.?

06-26-2008, 09:47 PM
I defiantly noticed a difference when I did mine; I wish I had done it sooner. I used a carbide rasp with an 18v cordless, finish with some sanding if you can get your fingers in there. I got each side to open up 1/16." Now it’s flush with the ID of the pipe.

06-28-2008, 05:37 PM
I just did mine. The whole bike is stock but I figured might as well do it in my free time so i'll be all set when I get a slip on.

06-28-2008, 07:11 PM
alright well heres my update. i went out and bought a new dremel. 30k rpm and new bigts and everything. first thing is i killed 4 new bits becuase the dremel is to fast for them. cheap ***... NVM lol but thats the hardest metal ive ever tried to shave down. 45 mins in and i have half the welds out on one side. its redicullous. i got impatient because i got my new head that was cleaned up and new valve train installed. runs mint. but i just wanted to hear the bike start up so ill finish the shaving monday. and ill let you know how it runs then!

06-29-2008, 07:48 PM
Are you using the sanding drum or the stone drum?

06-29-2008, 07:55 PM
both lol. effed the sanding drum up. im going to the hardware store tomorro and picking up a carbide attactchments. hopefully that does the job