View Full Version : 400ex axle into 300ex

06-24-2008, 02:24 PM
Hello, I just picked up a stock 400ex axle and am looking to put it into my 300ex. I have a Baldwin carrier. Will it bolt on or no? I read in a thread from a while ago that it won't but just making sure. Thanks!

06-24-2008, 07:00 PM
i did it once but cant remember what i had to do to make it work. its not a bolt in but you can make it work. i will let you know in a couple of days. i took it out about a year ago but am putting in a lone star plus 4 400ex axle in a couple of days

06-24-2008, 10:12 PM
its been along time, but it can be done, actually its pretty simple mod, i think so dont quote me on that, you need to make a spacer that goes between the locknut and the rotor hub i believe,

06-26-2008, 06:48 AM
Alright, does not sound to bad. Anyone have pics, from an a 300 with the 400 axle?

06-26-2008, 09:14 AM
when i done it that is what i did. i made a spacer because the 300 bearing carrier is narrower than the 400. i did have another problem but i think it was something else. on the sprocket side the sprocket was a little closer to the swing arm. i believe the axle i used at the time the sprocket hub was bad and allowed it to slide farther into the bearing. i have a lsr 400 ex axle i am going to try soon so i will see if the other had a bad hub or it is different than the 300.


06-26-2008, 05:03 PM
ok got it in and heres the deal. you need to use the 300ex sprocket hub. i thought i remembered last time i had the 400 axle in that the sprocket was closer to the swing arm and it is. i could not get the sprocket hub off the 300 axle so here is what i did. i made a spacer for the 400 hub. it needs to be about 1/4" wide. i had an extra rear brake hub so i cut the spacer out of that. then you need a spacer on the other side or your lock nut wont tighten down. again i used the same spare brake hub and cut the spacer out of the other end. i took it all back a part as i am powder coating everything before it goes together. i will take pics then and measure the spacers i made.


06-27-2008, 01:53 PM
ok got it back together and here are the pics. first pic is with the axle slid in and it shows how the 400ex sprocket hub is different and it will rub the bearing carries and put your chain out of alignment.


now this pic is with the spacer in. the spacer is .400 thick

now this is the brake side. hard to see the spacer, it is between the brake hub and lock nut and is .300 thick

now pic of whole axle assembly