View Full Version : Running the Cops

06-05-2008, 08:23 AM
my buddy and his friend on the back just ran a cop yesterday on his blaster. he pulled up to a 4-way stop and the cop was stopped there so he just took off. it was pretty awesome, the cop put his lights on and it was a really turny road and after about a mile the blaster was far enough ahead and went up a private lane and through some trails and never got caught.

what all happens if you get caught? my uncle thats a cop said they can get you with about 5-6 different things but he didnt say any fines or anything. in know a couple that got caught and pulled over and just got a warning.

06-05-2008, 08:46 AM
I hope your buddy gets caught next time .... it's idiots like him that have given ATV riders a bad name.

Not only is he putting his life in danger , he's putting the passenger's life at stake , the cops life in danger , and anyone else that might be on the road.

Hopefully next time he gets caught and has his quad impounded and receives hefty fines.

Nothing "awesome" about it. :rolleyes:

06-05-2008, 08:47 AM
Originally posted by Quad18star
I hope your buddy gets caught next time .... it's idiots like him that have given ATV riders a bad name.

Not only is he putting his life in danger , he's putting the passenger's life at stake , the cops life in danger , and anyone else that might be on the road.

Hopefully next time he gets caught and has his quad impounded and receives hefty fines.

Nothing "awesome" about it. :rolleyes:

Agreed 100%

06-05-2008, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by Quad18star
I hope your buddy gets caught next time .... it's idiots like him that have given ATV riders a bad name.

Not only is he putting his life in danger , he's putting the passenger's life at stake , the cops life in danger , and anyone else that might be on the road.

Hopefully next time he gets caught and has his quad impounded and receives hefty fines.

Nothing "awesome" about it. :rolleyes:


06-05-2008, 09:19 AM
i was being an idiot of course last year on my friends banshee, cruising down the side of the road (half on half off) and there was a cop waiting because apparently some one had called the cops earlier because my 2 friends z-400 were piped and loud and they didnt like it. But anyways he put his lights on and of course i pulled over and he was a real jerk, swearing at me and such. but i was polite and apoligized. he said he could have arrested me because i was 16 at the time, but thankfully he just gave me a warning. I learned my lesson that day.

06-05-2008, 09:47 AM
eh' I've ran a few times, but now that I'm on bikes I don't really see a lot of road time, mostly track only with an occasional trail.

Come on seriously, who hasn't ridden on a road to get to a spot or something. I have a power line a few blocks from my house and I usually go there once I get a new part on or get something rebuilt to give it a once over before heading out somewhere. The one neighbor gets pissy a lot and *****es at me. Insists that she owns the powerline. Goes on and on how I fly up and down the road everyday (I was out of town for college at the time and the rm had a broken clutch cable, but home on the weekend, so that made me laugh) So she goes on and one about me riding a block and a half to get there and how my bike is not street legal. :rolleyes: Ironically I see them cruising around the next day on the streets in rhino's and golf carts. Yah I ripped her a new @sshole. Hasn't said anything to me since.

06-05-2008, 10:56 AM
i could see someone getting in trouble if they were flying up and down the road all the time but if someone was going slow and they were not on the road for very long. i think thats ok in my book!! but i really hate the people that calls the cops or complains about people that are doing nothing
For example.

my friend has a garage up from this guy that aways complains about us being to loud. The one day he called the cops on us cuz it was 7:30pm and the air compressor was running for 5 min and he claimed that it was scaring his dogs. ( he lives 100ft away) A month ago we were supposely reving our engines at 11:00pm too bad we all left a 9:00 cuz we all had work the next day. On memorial day we had a little party it was 6:00pm and we had the radio on (not even loud at all) so he called the cops saying the were drinking beer and yelling stuff (we were not drinking or yelling)so the cop came up and said to us all this is the 3th time i have been up here and you guys have not been breaking the law so just keep on doing what you were doing and forget about that @sshole!!!

06-05-2008, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by KXRida
eh' I've ran a few times, but now that I'm on bikes I don't really see a lot of road time, mostly track only with an occasional trail.

Come on seriously, who hasn't ridden on a road to get to a spot or something. I have a power line a few blocks from my house and I usually go there once I get a new part on or get something rebuilt to give it a once over before heading out somewhere. The one neighbor gets pissy a lot and *****es at me. Insists that she owns the powerline. Goes on and on how I fly up and down the road everyday (I was out of town for college at the time and the rm had a broken clutch cable, but home on the weekend, so that made me laugh) So she goes on and one about me riding a block and a half to get there and how my bike is not street legal. :rolleyes: Ironically I see them cruising around the next day on the streets in rhino's and golf carts. Yah I ripped her a new @sshole. Hasn't said anything to me since.

Just an FYI, many people do own the property under the powerlines. I own the property under the powerlines on my WV property and pay the taxes on it. The power company has an easement but nobody else does. It is a common misconception that power companies own all the land that there lines are on. I think the railroad companies do own the land under and around the railroad track though.


06-05-2008, 11:44 AM
Its against the law and gives our sport a bad name.