View Full Version : Engine Rebuild Question

06-04-2008, 05:44 AM
I just picked up a 1999 banshee with a blown motor. I have been around quads my whole life but never did a rebuild. I have read this forum quite a bit and as of what i hear it is a big job but i certainly want to try to do the rebuild myself. I was just wondering if there is any repair manuals you suggest or a video that will walk me through the process. Any feedback would be great. Thanks Marc

06-04-2008, 12:04 PM
Are you going to rebuild to entire engine, or is it just the top end that is blown?

Rebuilding a top end on a Banshee is simple and not hard at all. Only thing that is hard I guess you could say is taking the cylinders somewhere to get honed/bored, and finding the right op end to match that hone/bore job. And if you have to put a new crank in it, it's not hard to split the cases either. Nothing will come flying out of the cases if you split them or anything like that.

And if you want there is a member over on BansheeHQ that is putting together a rebuild video, and I think he is almost done. You could read/look through that topic and see if there is any good info on there as well.