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View Full Version : DASA Repacking ???

tanner 222
06-03-2008, 04:01 PM
i bought my dasa around a couple months ago and knowing i would have to repack it after so many hours. I kept checking inside the can and pulling the core out to check the packing every so often to really get a good reading on when it needed to be changed. and i started getting annoyed that it was only lasting maybe 10-12 hours. i decided to see if i could go a little bit longer cuz it was a real pain and kind of expensive repacking it every 10-12 hours and it burnt the can quite bad and turned all the stickers black. i checked the stickers and all before the the ride and after it, the whole can was burnt up. so i was quite pissed off and decided to just run my stock pipe for now cuz it just gets too expensive. 10 hours of riding is like a weekend for me. after reading lots of posts and hearing the rumor about the packing lasting only 10 hours im starting to believe its true. is it ? this happen to anyone else ? if its a popular problem then i think im getting rid of it cuz its pissing me off. any other pipes that you would recommend that make as good of power as the dasa did ? rossier, yosh, sparks any good ? any info would be great. thanks

06-04-2008, 05:47 AM
Are you using the stock dasa packing(looks like balled up yarn)? I've used racetools packing in mine with good results, lasts twice as long atleast. Its more like a fiberglass blanket that wraps around the core. You may be a bit lean also, these bikes will destroy just about any packing in any pipe if your running lean.

tanner 222
06-04-2008, 11:41 AM
no im not using the dasa packing. i used it the first time i had it on the bike just because it came with it and it didnt even last as long as the stuff im using now. right now im using a pillow style packing (dont know who makes it) with some lose fibers on the outside and when it burns it burns through both of them. but ive never heard of the lean problem. sounds like it makes sense. ill look into that. thanks. but i think ive given up on dasa and want to try another type. what other pipes would you recommend that are just as good as or better. something that is quiet and holds their packing well. any input is great. thanks.

06-05-2008, 05:13 AM
I've only ran the Dasa and the Yosh on my ltr but I got an LRD for my wifes 400ex this year and it seams like a real nice pipe. Sounds good but at the same time its much quieter than the Dasa. Plus you can get a sparky for it, the Dasa only has a sparky/quiet core that you can get and it sounds like poop with the quiet core in.

06-07-2008, 06:46 AM
sparks are pretty good pipes.