View Full Version : gor rolled by the police!

11-29-2002, 06:19 PM
my brother and i were just up at a local riding spot riding. riding up this gravel road i've rode on for about 10 years, and BAM theres a forrest service ranger. aka piss fir willy..anyhow my brother stoped and he was going to write us 2 200 dollar tickets and impound the 400! right after i got my yellow race cuts put on. but anyhow they're all mad because some stuff has been getting torn up, by trucks mind you. but they think it's quads and dirtbikes i guess. no one really tears anything up or anything. like there is a ton of fields and stuff and no one ever rides or drives in the. i dunno it's pretty lame, i've never seen law enforcement up there before. other than when we used to have huge partys on the other side of the mountain. but is there anything that we could do arround here? that riding spot is like 15 mins from my parent's house. everywhere else is like about 45 mins to an hour =/. like get a trail system or something going, how does that work? it's all forrest service land i think, there is some private property but the land owners are oposed to riding.

11-29-2002, 06:25 PM
i would try and contact the ATVA, i forget the website but some one eill know it on here...good luck its not gonna be easy

11-29-2002, 07:26 PM
that sucks man..was your 400 registered/insured?

11-29-2002, 08:20 PM
why didnt you run? i rarely stop for any law enforcement. last year when we used to ride down in Clough state park before it was open they tried cathin us but they never did.

11-29-2002, 08:24 PM
couldn't run because he pulled sideways in the rode. we were kinda stuck there hehe. doesn't have to be registered/insured. well maybe registered but he didn't even check. i also almost washed the VIN sticker off the frame today too hehe.

11-29-2002, 08:55 PM
did you end up getting a ticket and get the ol honda impounded?

11-29-2002, 09:08 PM
Yeah there is alot of places where the cops are bothering me. I ride threw trails where I normally ride and all the sudden cops are there without even having permission to go there to try to stop us.

11-29-2002, 09:19 PM
no hondas in the garage and no tickets thankfully hehe. my brother rhino was powersliding arround a corner 4th gear pinned so the ranger was pretty upset.

11-29-2002, 09:50 PM
around here cops could really care less as long as your license plate is showing. one time i was riding down the shoulder of the road w/ someone on the back. my friend taps me on the shoulder and is like "cop cop!" so i just kept right on a goin and i guess he just saw my plate, never even stopped, kept goin. and then we were on the side of a gas station having some soda and they just drive over and just check your plates and ask if your registered and then they're on their way. i think we're really lucky around here. the only time i've been chased was by a crazy lady in a truck lol.

11-29-2002, 09:55 PM
why was a crazy lady chasing you? lol

11-29-2002, 09:59 PM
oh boy you got me goin. well she said that we were "spinning out and making dust in front of her house" which we weren't. so anyways we go up the road, and she trys running two of my friends right off the road. well we're waiting for them at another road and my bud comes and he's like "GO GO GO!" so we all go and halfway up the road my quad just keeps bogging and bogging for some reason but we get up to the top of the mountain road and thats where i learned the whole story. lol. it was just a crazy day that day.