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View Full Version : Shifting

11-29-2002, 04:29 PM
When I am riding in like fourth gear. I pull in the clutch. I roll to a stop. Still holding in the clutch, I go to shift down to either 1st, 2nd, or nuetral, and i can't. I can usually downshift to 3rd, but i have to let the clutch out a little for it to click into gear. I have to do this for every gear. I have to do this all the time when i stop. Any ideas?


11-29-2002, 04:41 PM
matt, im not sure why they do that . but its normal. all manual quads do it.

11-29-2002, 04:49 PM
It's normal.

11-29-2002, 05:09 PM
always try to downshift as far as you need before you stop, cause when the countershaft is turning it will downshift to the next gear without trouble, if you come to a complete stop and need a lower gear just rock it forward and backward or try to ease out on the clutch a little to find a lower gear,,,later

11-29-2002, 06:32 PM
Alright cool. Also, is it normal to be in nuetral, and shift into 1st, and not be til you start to let out the clutch that it shifts? Does this also relate to the cam shaft's position? Thank for your help

11-29-2002, 06:34 PM
sprtrx, yes thats the same principal.altho its countershaft not camshaft . camshaft has nothing to do with the tranny

11-29-2002, 06:51 PM
my 250ex does the same thing. i have to rock it forward and back befor i can change gears