View Full Version : ART racing assistance

05-30-2008, 07:28 PM
ART racing is helping fulfill the dream of paralyzed ATV racer Ben Brown from Canada. I (Todd Macke) am giving up my ALBA YFZ for Ben Brown to race at the RedBud GNC the end of July. Big Daddy motorsports is stepping up to cover the expense to fly Ben Brown to Chicago. I need to convert my YFZ to accomodate Ben. I need a Rekluse clutch and Rekluse rear brake system. Does anybody have any connections at Rekluse or willing to assist me with this effort? Please reply or send me a PM, or email me at mxquad@hotmail.com

Ben has been training hard at home since March just for this one national! ART is covering Ben's gate fee, AMA membership, practice/race fees, etc..... Any thoughts or assistance will be appreciated. We have 2 months before the race, but will go by quick.

Thank You!!

05-31-2008, 06:44 PM
for those of you who don't know who ben brown is its me. i just got off the weights a couple hours ago. i did 90 chest and lat pull downs at 50lbs, 90 rows each arm at 15lbs, 30 arm pull downs each arm at 15lbs, and 3 sets of 10 chin ups. i am riding 3-5 times a week for up to 2 hours on my 2-3 acre track are some new pics from this year.

05-31-2008, 06:58 PM

at a friends track

my pics are taken by my friend allan