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05-26-2008, 06:34 PM
Well, we bought a new boat and decided for its first trip, we're going to stay on the lake at Lake Wallenpaupack from Saturday night to monday afternoon.

We get up there, and go to the boathouse to eat. My mom accidentally spilled the salt shaker, and we all started joking that something was gonna happen to the boat.

On a side note, my dad went over EVERYTHING on the boat, and even serviced the outdrive.

Well, we lauch after we eat dinner, and all was going well. Other than the fact I almost got frostbite on my feet from stepping in the water.

We cruised around, and went to bed. Even with the full camper tops, the night was freakin FREEZING. We were all cold and couldn't sleep.

We wake up the next morning and eat breakfast on the boat. We puts around for a little while, then started hammering over the waves. It was a blast!

Around 3:00 or so that sunday, we went to go dock at greshams, because we were gonna get lunch and ice cream. While trying to dock, the only thing my dad didn't check.. broke. The shifter cable broke.

Well, we were sitting there drifting real close to the rocky shore, and the waves were horrible. We were going to close, so we pulled it into a dockspace. It ended up that it was an already used space, but the one next to it wasn't. So we had to move this 7,000 behemoth to the next dock, without using the engine. Just good old fashions rope and muscle.

Well, we were calling around trying to find a marina to tow us, but they were all closed by then. There was one guy at Bakker who was nice and came to look at the boat, even though my dad knew what was wrong.

Well, he didnt have anyone to tow it, because they all went home. So we had to drive all the way back home, and go back the next day. (today)

We had to get up extremely early, because the launches get crowded as hell.

We finally got the boat towed and we had to pull it to the trailer, in the cold water, and then winch it on.

To top it off, i dropped my cell phone in the water.

So long story short, the whole weekend was ruined because my mom spilled the salt:mad:

05-26-2008, 08:12 PM
Don't cry over spilled.....salt?

05-26-2008, 08:16 PM
at least u got to eat at the boat house... they have some good food.

05-26-2008, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by Aceman
Don't cry over spilled.....salt?

I'm not mad that the salt spilled, lol.

Didn't you ever hear that if you spill salt, its bad luck?

05-26-2008, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by chevy
at least u got to eat at the boat house... they have some good food.

yeah they are. pricy though.

Honda TRX250ex
05-26-2008, 08:58 PM
lol my friend told me about that. he was up there with his water ski

05-26-2008, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by Honda TRX250ex
lol my friend told me about that. he was up there with his water ski

wait, he saw our boat being towed? or where did he see us?

He probably saw us going crazy at the dock trying to load it on the trailer by hand, lmfao.

05-26-2008, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by Hondamaster5505
I'm not mad that the salt spilled, lol.

Didn't you ever hear that if you spill salt, its bad luck?

Didn't you know it's customery to throw salt over your shoulder whenever you spill the salt ... takes away the bad luck that goes along with spilling the salt . LOL

I was never really superstitious about these kinds of things until I had my leg broken pretty badly. The night before the accident I was out with a girl and she asked me if I had ever broken any bones... I said NO ... and as I said it I had this very wierd feeling. I was always the kind to "touch wood" whenever talking about stuff like that .. you know .. just to be safe ... but that night after she asked I had a wierd feeling and didn't touch wood . It actually bothered me for most of the night.

The next day when I leave to go out riding, my dad goes to load the quad into the back of the truck, and it stalled out on him 3 times while trying to load it.... so I loaded it myself. Then as I'm leaving , my mom yells out to me and says " Do you want the cell phone" ... she's never asked before .. I hesitated and said No ... then said Yes.

When I get to the unloading area , get the quad off the truck , talked with a buddy then go to take off , the quad wouldn't start. I sat there for a few minutes trying to start it wondering what was wrong , then I notoced my tether cord wasn't plugged in. Plug it in .. take off to ride ... 10 minutes later I'm nailed by a dirtbike and my leg is shattered into more pieces than a box of Frosted Flakes.

Moral of the story..... now when someone asks a question about "bad" things , I touch wood ... if the salt spills I throw some over my shoulder .... if I get a knife as a gift from someone , I always give something back in return ( bad luck to receieve a knife and not give anything in return .. even if it's only a penny ..... And I've learned that when the quad don't start , to just leave it alone and change my plans for that day.

There's my story . :p

05-27-2008, 06:45 AM
Originally posted by Hondamaster5505
Well, we bought a new boat and decided for its first trip, we're going to stay on the lake at Lake Wallenpaupack from Saturday night to monday afternoon.

We get up there, and go to the boathouse to eat. My mom accidentally spilled the salt shaker, and we all started joking that something was gonna happen to the boat.

On a side note, my dad went over EVERYTHING on the boat, and even serviced the outdrive.

Well, we lauch after we eat dinner, and all was going well. Other than the fact I almost got frostbite on my feet from stepping in the water.

We cruised around, and went to bed. Even with the full camper tops, the night was freakin FREEZING. We were all cold and couldn't sleep.

We wake up the next morning and eat breakfast on the boat. We puts around for a little while, then started hammering over the waves. It was a blast!

Around 3:00 or so that sunday, we went to go dock at greshams, because we were gonna get lunch and ice cream. While trying to dock, the only thing my dad didn't check.. broke. The shifter cable broke.

Well, we were sitting there drifting real close to the rocky shore, and the waves were horrible. We were going to close, so we pulled it into a dockspace. It ended up that it was an already used space, but the one next to it wasn't. So we had to move this 7,000 behemoth to the next dock, without using the engine. Just good old fashions rope and muscle.

Well, we were calling around trying to find a marina to tow us, but they were all closed by then. There was one guy at Bakker who was nice and came to look at the boat, even though my dad knew what was wrong.

Well, he didnt have anyone to tow it, because they all went home. So we had to drive all the way back home, and go back the next day. (today)

We had to get up extremely early, because the launches get crowded as hell.

We finally got the boat towed and we had to pull it to the trailer, in the cold water, and then winch it on.

To top it off, i dropped my cell phone in the water.

So long story short, the whole weekend was ruined because my mom spilled the salt:mad:

you cant say he went over everything since he obviuosly(sp) missed something

05-27-2008, 07:41 AM
well it was my birthday on sunday and almost half of my family forgot it was my birthday...

05-27-2008, 08:17 AM
Originally posted by 300exkid123
you cant say he went over everything since he obviuosly(sp) missed something

dude stop tryin to be a smart@ss.

05-27-2008, 08:38 AM
To go along with the whole Karma,hinesight deal.. Last year my wife wanted to race a local fair race. Why I do not know but she did. I had to work that day and got out of work late, my trusty 92 f-250 wasnt running very good on the way to the track, couldnt find anywhere to park. She shows up late, theres a wreck in her practice and she only gets 2 laps. First moto lap 2 shattered heal bone. Truck ran like a champ on the way to the E.R... If more than 2 things are working against me riding I'm staying home and mowing grass.

05-27-2008, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by Quad18star
I had a wierd feeling and didn't touch wood . It actually bothered me for most of the night.

Sounds like a personal issue....:huh


05-27-2008, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by 300exkid123
you cant say he went over everything since he obviuosly(sp) missed something

he did in fact look at it, but didn't think much of it because it looked fine.

05-27-2008, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by 400exrider707
Sounds like a personal issue....:huh


She could have touched wood that night also ... but she didn't. Damn women . ;) ;)