View Full Version : Some questions about a banshee.

05-24-2008, 07:55 PM
Ok i got me a brand new 02 banshee last week. i mean under 10 hours of use. it is sick the guy bought it for his son but never changed the break fluid after his son died. he greased it all the time. and didnt want to let go of it. but i bought it. so here are some questions.

What dot break fluid does it take.
like Dot 3 or Dot 4

What is a carb. is it the carborator. and do all banshees have carborators.

Sry just got mind dont know to much about it. just know some guy asked me if it was carbed. i dont know if it is. and how do i find out.

05-25-2008, 07:50 PM
okay sounds like a good deal, the banshee uses dot 4 brake fluid, make sure you bleed the brakes. the carb, which comes on all banshees, are the lungs of the motor i supose, they control air flow and fuel flow to the motor by using a slide attached to a cable, which is your throttle cable, the more you push the throttle the more the slides attached to the end slide up. the carbs are the silver aluminum things, attached to the motor and the air filter is behind them, they have a cap on top a slide in the middle and a bowl on the bottom, they use 4 different circuits to get the fuel flow to match the air flow, the pilot jet affects idle - 1/4 throttle, the main affect 2/4 - 3/4 throttle and the needle which is attached to the carb affects full throttle. if you do not have the bike jetted right it will blow up or be slow. to make sure it is jetted right you must pull the spark plugs and see what color they are, if they are cardboard brown then you are good. if the plugs look white or light brown you are lean and will cause big failure, as in boom. if they are black then its rich and isnt a big deal but can cause damage and affect power. by the way, the banshee is a 2-stroke and it uses premium fuel and premix needs to go in it or it WILL blow up, a good mix ratio is 32:1, always make sure the air filter is good and clean, and for the trans or gear case, use ATF type F oil, it should take 1500ml

05-26-2008, 12:22 AM
I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but if you have to question if the quad has carbs or not, or what carb means....it would lead me to believe you may not have a lot of experience with quads in general.

A banshee is a whole lot of quad if you don't really know what you're doing, i suggest doing a lot of research and taking it easy at first...

05-28-2008, 11:48 AM
n i know what cabs is. its just how much carbs does it start out with. i dont do repairs myself. i just ay people. my uncle is a racer and he fixs my quads when i brake them. i tkae good care of my quads. like i clean the air filter once a week. and i wash it all the time. clean the pipes ecedera.

05-28-2008, 12:05 PM
A Banshee runs dual 26mm carbs for stock....