View Full Version : Ohio pitbull owners read this!

05-22-2008, 07:09 AM
I dont want to start a conversation about whether or not you like/dislike pitbulls im only trying to save them.

ok here is the forum address i belong to it takes you right to the topic of the BSL that is going to be proposed wanting to kill all pitbulls and anything that resembles an APBT when you open it up there is a bunch of words but if you dont want your dog to die you will read it. if you dont call/write or act on this please sign the petition towards the bottom of the first post there is a link.


05-22-2008, 07:13 AM


05-22-2008, 02:47 PM
WOW Heartless mother ****ers.

If anyone would try to kill my dog, there is not a doubt in my mind I would do the same.

Thats one more step to having the govt have total control over us.

05-22-2008, 03:24 PM
that is crazy i woul move out of the stae before someone took my pit her quad tire is her favorite toy

05-22-2008, 03:37 PM
thats what these dum **** goverment people don't understand... IT'S NOT THE BREED, IT IS THE STUPID PEOPLE THAT OWN THEM THAT MAKE THEM MEAN!!!!! i have a ****z zhu that is meaner then any pit bull out there. i had a pit bull years ago that would'nt hurt a fly. it's like i always said, i can take any breed of dog and teach them to hunt birds, but a lab or a spaniel will be easier to train because thats what they were breed for. you can teach any breed of dog to fight or be mean, but a pitbull, bulldog, rottweiler and so on are easier to teach that to because thats what they were breed to do years ago. what makes pits mean and aggresive is the owners and cross breeding! just my 2 cents

05-22-2008, 04:47 PM
i love my pit bulls i have 3 of them and they are the biggest lap dogs you ever want to see....one is 95 lbs hes a big baby, the other is about 75 and the last one is about 45lbs.....you might look at them and think they are mean animals but they wouldnt bite a biscuit

all 3 of my pits on my couch....


05-22-2008, 05:11 PM

<a href="http://imageshack.us"><img src="http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/3505/truckroxy265qz5.jpg" border="0" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us"/></a>

05-22-2008, 05:32 PM
I totally agree with it's the owner not the breed thing, but the stereotypical pitbull owner is well...trash? Just like the stereotypical poodle and pameranian owner are middle aged women. Poor and trashy people seem to think pitbulls are cool and they end up being horrible owners.

After reading the bill I've realized three things, one, it will NEVER pass, two it's unconstitutional, three, some upper middle class little white girl was obviously killed by one.

05-22-2008, 08:57 PM
ya i don't think its going to pass either but we can't just hope for it not to pass we still gotta have a little say in it to show that we care if it passes or fails.

and i appreciate you guys reading that thing i know it was long as hell but only dog owners would have the patience to read it.


05-22-2008, 10:09 PM
What people dont get is the fact that the animals that are attacking people aren't fight dogs. I hate to say this but I know people who fight dogs(I would never attend) and there animals are completely tame around humans and listen better than most pets. The dogs making problems are animals that have been inbread or bread with a bad blood line that has been compromised somewhere. My pit is a house dog and wouldn't hurt anyone. He'll get after that damn water hose though.

05-23-2008, 04:11 AM
Originally posted by ALAMX37
What people dont get is the fact that the animals that are attacking people aren't fight dogs. I hate to say this but I know people who fight dogs(I would never attend) and there animals are completely tame around humans and listen better than most pets. The dogs making problems are animals that have been inbread or bread with a bad blood line that has been compromised somewhere. My pit is a house dog and wouldn't hurt anyone. He'll get after that damn water hose though.

Mine does the same thing :p

<a href="http://imageshack.us"><img src="http://img387.imageshack.us/img387/6751/l2cb337c4483a9a3be63887yk7.jpg" border="0" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us"/></a>

05-23-2008, 06:32 AM
yea, these all look like very dangerous and viscous pits. lol. look like a bunch of good family dogs to me. very beautiful pits everyone.

05-23-2008, 08:31 AM
bsl should stand for bull $h!t legislation, im speechless only becuase the bad owners out there we good owners

mines scared of water and is just a goof ball and wouldnt hurt a little lizard usually runs from them


05-23-2008, 03:36 PM
Ohio residents, I ask that even if you don't own a pit bull or even a dog please look into doing whatever you can to prevent this. Before you know it your own rights will be attacked, this is one step towards that.