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05-19-2008, 07:52 PM
Around 2 weeks ago my brother got this little pimple like thing on his arm he said burned, so we thought it was a bug bite. But as the weeks went on the so called bite multiplied all over his arms and legs so im like mom this aint a bug bite its pretty bad and we all agreed it wasnt a bug bite. Well two days later (may 16) i got this bump too and it got alot worse too, so im like call the dermatologist. So we call and make an appt and i go there today and hes like it looks like insect bites. Now theres like 100 things on him and 50 on me and im like i dont think we got bit and didnt realize it, well he gets mad and tells me not to question his intelligence so i sit back and shut up.

What are some opinions on what to do. Get a second look or do they look like bug bites and im over reacting.

Also a couple hours after they appear they burn and ooze.

05-19-2008, 07:53 PM
the pic above is mine and this one is my brothers.

05-19-2008, 08:00 PM
looks like poison ivy or oak..one of those. not that up on my plant infections. def not a bug bite unless u stuck your arm intoa bees nest.

05-19-2008, 08:03 PM
is the arm the only place affected? ive seen chiggers look like that...itch like a mofo as well

05-19-2008, 08:05 PM
and some on my wrists. And my brothers thigh

05-19-2008, 08:33 PM
i have some of that on both of my arms they dont burn but do itch like a mofo i thought it was spider bites

05-19-2008, 09:36 PM
could be something like scabies.. its like lice except for on your body..

05-19-2008, 10:50 PM
i say poison ivy.

05-19-2008, 10:52 PM
bed bugs.


Robin Hood
05-19-2008, 10:55 PM
Aw crap, I got found a few bumps like those on the same part of my right arm yesterday. Hope I don't end up like that. :scary:

Hopefully it's just poison ivy or something like that. Did you try using Aveeno or anything on it?

05-19-2008, 11:01 PM
Originally posted by Exrider434
bed bugs.


Thats what I was thinking maybe.

05-20-2008, 07:10 AM
Have your mom wash all your bed sheets, then go and rub aloe vera on that ****. And see if there is an entomologist at your local college, or just around. A lot of times they are listed in the paper for tree care and ****. One look at the bites and they can identify what did it.

05-20-2008, 07:19 AM
2. Recognizing bed bug bites

Frequently, the first evidence of the presence of bed bugs is the sudden appearance of very itchy bites on your torso. It is important to seek medical attention if bites alone are the only evidence of bed bugs. Dermatologists may recognize skin rashes, allergies and other conditions that are not insect bites.

There are several other insects and arthropods that will produce itchy welts very similar to bed bug bites. This is because mosquitoes, fleas, lice, mites and bed bugs all inject salvia during the feeding process to thin human blood. This anti-coagulant material is largely responsible for the “itchiness” of bites. Individuals vary greatly in their skin response to different insect and arthropod saliva and over time some individuals may become either more or less affected.

That was taken off a harvard research site.

05-20-2008, 11:45 AM
i agree with others suspecting that its poison ivy..

or perhaps poison oak or sumac


05-20-2008, 11:51 AM
Have you been "ridin dirty"? :D I'm gonna go with the poison ivy/oak also.

05-20-2008, 12:41 PM
Id agree with the bedbugs. And they are a pain to get rid of. I've known a few people that had to fumugate their rooms and quarantine the room for 2 weeks to kill off all the bugs.

But since it is only the arms and thigh.. it very well could be poision Oak.

05-20-2008, 03:59 PM
Im kinda crossing out the bedbugs cause i dont sleep in the same room as my brother and my sister falls asleep in my bed sometimes (shes young and falls asleep in my bed while im on the computer then i carry her into her room) and she doesnt have them......

The reason im researching this so much is because there are like 10 more everyday appearing....if they stayed the way they are i wouldnt care because a couple days after the cream they gave me the previous ones start to heal but while they're healing im getting more.

05-20-2008, 04:51 PM
Why haven't you gone to the doctor seriously if you brother doen't want to go then go by yourself atleast you will find out what it is.

05-20-2008, 04:55 PM
Well, around here we've been getting there God dang caterpillars that are about a half inch long. They pretty much float through the air and land on you. Once they touch you, it starts out as a little "bug bite". Then later on it iches like a mofo and it starts to spread. So it might be those little *******s.:mad: Happened to me and a few of my buddies. It looks like what you got. But your bro has it bad.

05-20-2008, 09:05 PM
bed bugs is my best guess....


05-21-2008, 11:08 AM
I went to the dermatologist monday, but im going to another one today.