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View Full Version : question for the 700xx people

05-12-2008, 05:31 PM
how would it do in a all out drag race against the 525 ktm, raptor 700, and a kfx 700????

05-12-2008, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by bigH
how would it do in a all out drag race against the 525 ktm, raptor 700, and a kfx 700????

I heard it's just a hair slower, but a lot mellower.

Those things are so corked up though, im sure an exhaust and filter would do it wonders.

If I had the money, KTM would be my top choice. Raptor 2nd. I would NEVER buy a kfx700 though. They're automatic, weigh a ton, have stiff shocks, and did i say, AUTOMATIC?

05-14-2008, 01:59 PM
First is the honda ,raptor with an pipe ,predator with a 550 big bore kit ,525 outlaw 450 DS, 400 EX last, 800 renagade some were in the middle