View Full Version : I need help tightening a chain please..!?!

05-10-2008, 02:46 PM
I've never tightened a chain in my life surpisingly:( .....I need to do it on my yfz, i've seen waay too many threads about the chain falling off and myne is VERYY Loose!!! So if anybody knows how to tighten the yfz chain that would be GREAT:D !!!

05-10-2008, 06:47 PM
i guess everybodys in the same boat as me:p

05-10-2008, 07:37 PM
well if urs is a 06 and up u loosen the 4 allen head bolts up on the back of the swingarm....then on the right in between the rear sprocket and the swingarm there will be like a lil opening or whole stick u a phillps screwdriver in there and roll ur 4wheeler backwards until ur chain starts tightening up....but u dont wanna tighten it as tight as a banjo string...u wanna leave about in between a half inch and inch play in the chain to acommendate for when u set down....well after u get it tightend back up make sure u tighten the 4 allen head bolts on the rear of the swingarm back up................

and as for the 04-05 u have the 4 allen head bolts on the rear of the swingarm u loosen them up and then u will have to chain adjusters on the top side of the swingarm and u will need to adjust them until ur chain is tight but make sure u tighten both sides equal because if u dont it will throw ur rear end outta wack and cause ur chain to pop off easy and wear down ur rear sprocket....and be sure to tight the 4 allen head bolts back up

05-10-2008, 09:34 PM
Yeah mynes an 04, i'm gunna do this tomaro morning before a big ride so i'm def. counting on these instructions. thanks man!!

05-10-2008, 10:21 PM
04-05's dont have 4 allens on the back of the swinger, theres 2 large nuts on either side, in front of the bearing carrier, you have to loosen those 4 nuts, then use the small bolts on the side to push the carrier back, lock the little jam nuts in, then tighten the 4 large nuts again.

if none of this makes sense, go to yamaha website, look up the owners manual for your bike, and it will show you pictures.

05-11-2008, 08:01 AM
Now it does:eek2: , i was lookin for the allen bolts at first, then i was stumped so bad!!! but now u tell us this and this helps extremely A LOT!!!!!! thank you very much!!!! i'm gunna do this after i get my wrench outta my wall..:p i'm j/k...thanks for all your help!!!:macho

BTW goin to do it rite now!!!

05-11-2008, 08:16 AM
so i feel like a dumb *** now i just got in a hurry when i was typing this up sorry man I shoulda known better considerin mine is a 04 lol...but yea i believe those to bolts on the carrier is prolly 14's or 17's one of each

and again sorry bro for my mistake

05-11-2008, 09:06 AM
no dont worry about it at all....you had the rite idea, i just got conufsed with the bolts on the back of the singarm, i was like wth?? lol.....but thatnks for all your help guys!! i really apprecitate it!!!:) :macho

05-11-2008, 07:46 PM
so did you get it tightened up?

i know when i got my bike, after the chain stretched a little i pulled it back into spec and you can actually feel a difference when you ride it, when its slack you can feel it snatch when you hit the gas.

05-11-2008, 08:05 PM
yea, i tightend it up....before i couldnt wheelie good and now its really easy for me to wheelie....maybe it was becasue it takes time to get the chain movin when there's too much slack.....all my tires did before was spin.....chain and sprockets play a big factor on ridin surprisingly!!

04-17-2009, 03:17 PM
Just wanted to say thanks guys. This forum helped me as well! I had never tightened a chain either (at least on a Yamaha) and this explained everything 100%. I just bought my YFZ back in January and the PO sent me an email saying "before you ride, tighten up the 4 allen bolts on the tensioner" because he had forgotten to. No wonder the chain felt so loose my first ride LOL.