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04-23-2008, 06:46 PM
ive been watin to race gncc and hare scrambles for a while now and i cant because im 17 and really dont have the money too but i was just wondering any of you guys who race what kind of jobs do u have to support your racing or is that all you do?

just so ya know i didnt know where to post this so i just left it in this one thanks

04-23-2008, 06:57 PM
Most people on here are weekend warriors. Work during the week, race on weekends. If i was you i would get a job to save up for racing, Practice like a maniac, then when you can race you will finish your first race and maybe take a good position. Most people have a accomplishment by just being able to finish their first race.

04-23-2008, 07:29 PM
i know i felt very accomplished in my first race XD, im only 15 and i work everyday after school until basically dark because i even have to pay my dads gas to race :(

<-- big time weekend warrior

04-23-2008, 08:20 PM
I drive truck for a living and race/ride on weekends. I helped a buddy get a job working on the dock loading and unloading truck while he goes to school during the day. From my last 7 years of racing make sure you do good in school and go to college if you plan on being a weekend racer. check with some friend to find jobs Good Luck

04-24-2008, 08:44 AM
Originally posted by 450rmadness
ive been watin to race gncc and hare scrambles for a while now and i cant because im 17 and really dont have the money too but i was just wondering any of you guys who race what kind of jobs do u have to support your racing or is that all you do?

just so ya know i didnt know where to post this so i just left it in this one thanks

My advice is to get a job close to home or school that u can work as many hours as possible after school thru the week and on saturdays..... save your money... and dont forget about your education... it takes many many many days of work and school and a couple years of college on top of that!!!!! Many of us were in the exact same boat as you. How far you go is determined by how hard you are willing to work for it and how hard you are to work for your education. Racing for a living everyones dream... but without the support of a factory... or a wealthy parent.... its impossible... spend your time practicing as much as possible and working... all the while concentrating on school and run local events for a year or two...local races fit into budgets really well and you dont HAVE to have the best of everything to learn skills, timing. and competitiveness... and you will make friends that are most likely the same mindset as yourself.... keep that up for awhile... and you will be suprised........

04-24-2008, 11:03 AM
Keep your focus on your schooling. Work as many hours as you can all the while making education #1. Save your money for races and parts for your quad. Work as many events as you can and make friends with people who can give you tips. Practice as much as you can with people who have some experience.

04-24-2008, 11:06 AM
I work for my dad we own a business selling and repairing music equipment lots of fun but its hard working for ur own dad when money gets tight....I will be attending a local college for computer networking already have a job set up after i graduate working and setting up networks in hospitals pays 6 figures :D

I race pretty hard I try to race 2 or 3 times a month and soon will be running all the GNCC's I cant wait I wanna work my way up to pro am and what not locally I race A class.


04-24-2008, 06:53 PM
thanks you guys for the suggestions i plan on gettin a job and goin to college im going to be an x ray tech far as i can tell now so i should have plenty to spend on the racing.:)

04-25-2008, 08:45 AM
When people say work, try actually doing real work, I work factory 52 hours a week, get the weekends off and let me tell you, puts you in the best shape ever. Get your *** kicked all week long. Not to mention great health care plan, get hurt racing no biggy.

My major tip, hurry and build that thing now cause when you get to college your going to be needing all your cash, then when you graduate you have to start paying that **** back.