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View Full Version : mx vs atv untamed on wii

hoser 400ex
04-13-2008, 12:18 PM
Anybody played it on a nintendo wii?? is it like the crappy ps2 version or like xbox. also how do you use the controls?? or do you have to get the game cube style controller??

04-13-2008, 01:48 PM
idk im thinkin about getting it, i know one thing (if i may say for a moment) i hope its nothing like this crappy game i picked up called "kawasaki quad bikes" for wii now i give it does have the coolest quad game cover ever but the controls are stupid and its near impossible to buy all the extras, worst $20 ive ever spent (gaming related) now im in a freny to get a ps3 and gta4

but in the meantime id like to know how atv vs mx is on the wii

04-13-2008, 02:23 PM
my cousin has it and i am going to borrow it, i will tell you guys how it is when i try it