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View Full Version : need some help from other racer parents

Doug@J&D racing
04-12-2008, 12:50 PM
what is a good fomat for a racer resume and what are other ways of getting big sponcers for mx

04-12-2008, 09:24 PM
honestly im a racer. and im on sponsor house and mx results. They are some big time sponsors on there and they like to help people out. Now if your just racing local track and a couple of santioned race a year you get anything free. i mean you will get large discount witch help tremendosly. But if you race nationals and large races you could get free stuff and way better deals.

As far as a resume goes look at dana creech's website . I know i got the format for mine off there. Or you could just look up how to write a sponsor resume on google. so pretty good stuff comes up.

04-14-2008, 01:10 PM
We sent out resume's late summer. We are on Sponsorhouse, too but we had better results with our resumes. She received about 25-30 offers. We sent out a sheet with her accomplishments with pics, a letter sheet and spec. sheet.
It's my understanding most companies except resumes late summer into fall. All of contracts are valid the year of 08. Sponsorhouse seems to be all year long. Hope this helps.

04-15-2008, 07:38 PM
Build a web site for your youth racer. Sponsors like the fact of getting free advertising through your website. It is a good selling point when asking for sponsorships. you can check ours out at www.buddywilliamsracing.com it was instrumental in attaining big time sponsorship. You can go through the company that set it up for us, and maintains it for a VERY reasonabe price you can check them out at www.paparazzi-films.com