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04-12-2008, 11:10 AM
i dont think its parvo cus he had his shots updated in january, but im not sure but for the past 3 days hes been throwing up and having diarrhea, we had to throw away one of the couches its was so bad any ideas thanks

04-12-2008, 11:17 AM
put the dog outside

04-12-2008, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by pitmantim
put the dog outside

HA!.. thatd be step one..

second, take it to a vet, cause it mightve swallowed something or has an intestinal virus.

when the last time you fed the dog wormer? particularly if it comes into contact with others..

04-12-2008, 11:52 AM
taste the stool and get back with me:D

04-12-2008, 11:54 AM
haha all jokes aside, we gave him wormx about a month ago

04-12-2008, 12:39 PM
Parvo can be characterized by a lack of enthusiasm and appetite, odd smelling diarrhea, and in the later stages blood in the vomit and diarrhea.

Take him to the Vet ASAP because if it is Parvo, the earlier you go the more likely you are to save him. Nearly all dogs that go untreated die from Parvo.

How old is the dog?

04-12-2008, 01:34 PM
Everyone quit joking around. Hes very serious about this.

I dont know what it could be but I hope He gets better soon :(

04-12-2008, 01:58 PM
he seems normal wagging his tail playing with the other dog normal stuff but he is a pitbull and he can be just dealing with it the are strong willed dogs, hes a year n 5, he had his booster shot in october so im hopin its just a stomach virus or nothing at all takin him to the vet monday feed him some rice to nice see how he handles it

04-12-2008, 07:03 PM
same thing happened to our yorkie.. there was some fat off some meat in our yard and it went to pee and ate it and sarted getting very sick and having a bad case of diarea.. we took her to the wet and they told us to give it some pepto pismal and we did and it help a lil but we just waited till it passed her system and she is all good now.. take him to a vet and get it checked out .. he might have ate something!

04-12-2008, 07:09 PM
ya thats what we are thinkin he mighta got hold of a frog being its starting to warm up he seems to be doing ok his gums are normal color heres a pic of him being nosy and actin normal so hopefully all is well

04-12-2008, 07:12 PM
yea good luck i hope he is all good..

04-12-2008, 08:10 PM
JJ, your dog looks just like mine. Post a front shot so I can see his face!

I don't think parvo is really an issue past the puppy stage (it's certainly less lethal) so you're likely to be safe with that. If his attitude is normal and he is eating and not growling at you, it probably is nothing to worry about.

When a dog is very sick, it will become very easily agitated and it won't eat until it absolutely needs to.

Anyways, here's my dog. It's hard to see in the pics, but just like your dog the blaze on his chest wraps around to the back of the neck. It only goes around one side, and it's really thin on the side.



04-12-2008, 08:15 PM
yours face is a lil different his a front shot i just snapped ahha goes good with yours wearing sunglasses he weights 72 pounds head is 21 1/4

04-12-2008, 08:17 PM
haha hes got glasses 2

04-12-2008, 08:19 PM
after 8 shots of tanquer and 5 of soco and 5 mixed soco and dr pepper you start to acta lil crazy

04-12-2008, 08:33 PM
Yeah, the color is a bit different too. But pretty similar I must say, especially with the markings. There are a few dogs that look like mine and yours, as a matter of fact there are kennels that deal specifically with dogs that look just like them. They're very expensive but as they say love don't cost a thing, and my Crunk was given to me and he's probably the best friend I ever had.

My boy weighs just barely under 70 pounds. I can't remember the head but I think it was 21 something.

Also, here's a link. Right on the front page is a dog that looks mostly like mine, maybe more fit but pretty much he could be my boy's dad. The similarity is pretty crazy.


But anyhow like I said, you have to watch for behavioral issues. Basically if he starts to act out of character it's pretty much an emergency situation, you'll want to get him care ASAP.

As it is right now he should be taken in whenever you can, but if he starts getting mean or lazy or looses appetite then it's really a priority.

04-12-2008, 09:11 PM
my aunt is a vet tech or vet assistant which ever took a look at him today he seems normal probably just ate something he wasnt supposed to just keep an eye on him

ya they are off of a kind most pits really never look alike its what i like about him my saying is my fiance goes before he goes haha(shes been around alot longer as well)

but hes from the red boy jacko line, with small traces of eli-snooty
and on the 4th limb of the pedagree (his great grandad as we call) was from the camelot line

ya i love this dog to death i can go on for hours about it haha very proud of him good around most animals and loves my 2 year old nephew play cowboy and horse haha

will be breeding in june with my sisters blue hoping for a good score with pups i want another haha

by the looks of it yours if from the old family red line just judging by the color

04-12-2008, 09:31 PM
didnt read the rest of this thread but take your dog to the animal hospital/vet ASAP. i want to say its parvo. my g/f of almost 2 years, well ex now, is a vet tech. she works at the vet. for over a year now. she said she said atleast 5-10 dogs everyday come with parvo. when they have parvo they throw up, get depressed, wont eat, and have THE ABSOLUTELY MOST HORRIFIC smelling diarrhea. i forgot which stages come first, but id get her checked. out its a deadly disease and a fast one if you dont treat it. the earlier you treat it the better the chances of it being ok. bu it wouldnt be able to get parvo if its had ALL sets of shots by a proffessional vet. and the last set of shots they get is just a parvo shot i think its called a booster shot. regaardless i would get her checked out ASAP. my pitbull died recently. not from that. sega palm plants give out pousions seeds. RIP Abby! hope urs is ok. get her checkd out and tell them teh symptoms.

04-12-2008, 09:37 PM
ya im takin him monday just for a check up he is up todate on all his shot as of nov 07 hopin nothing serious but i think he will be ok

heres his dad damein, tripp(my boy) was bigger and out weighted him when he was 9 months old

04-13-2008, 05:20 PM
my boys grandad 75 pounds

04-13-2008, 05:21 PM
my sisters dogs father

should be a good batch of pups

04-14-2008, 06:20 AM
it occured to me later yesterday, that you should feed your dog crackers and bread for now.. its very mild on the stomach.

i wasnt sure about the pepto-bismol thing, but fed our previous dog tums when his stomach was upset.. (couldnt stand the gas out of both ends)

04-14-2008, 09:14 AM
Originally posted by JJs450r
my boys grandad 75 pounds

that is the most beautiful pit i have ever seen. i have NEVER seen an all white one like that. that is soo pretty that makes me want another one now so bad.

04-14-2008, 08:04 PM
ya hes goin good now musta got hold of frog or something,

ya the whites a pretty color his grandad is cool

we fed him rice with a lil chicken bouillon poop is solid now thank goodness

04-14-2008, 08:31 PM
That's good to hear. I was thinking to ask you this because a vet told me this was common in pits, so here goes.

My dog every once in a while gets a small bump like a zit that grows bigger and bigger. It takes about 5 days to grow until it develops into an open sore about the size of a dime. It looks like a little volcano thing kind of.

It takes about 12-15 days to fully run it's course and dry out with neosporin or whatever applied to it.

The first 3 or 4 I took him to the vet and had them cut off early, but now that I know they clear up I've stopped that. He is much more comfortable at home, so I don't like taking him to the vet. He doesn't get them that often, the last one was about October.

So I wanted to ask you JJ, since you have been around so many pits, have you ever seen anything like this before?

04-14-2008, 09:01 PM
ya my boy will get em but never the size of dimes haha maybe an m and m at first we thought he got into ants but after they got bigger we were sure my aunt said its normal in pits but she didnt know what it was he really dont get em to much i think it has to do with them getting hot or being hot out is when i notice the most i guess is kinda like blue pits having that red rash all the time cant remember the name though

04-14-2008, 09:10 PM
when his get bad and dont go away for a while we usually use a and d ointment(sp) seems to help pretty good but they usually dont last more then 4 or 5 days