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View Full Version : No clamp on White Bro's E2?

03-27-2008, 07:04 PM
I just installed a new white bro's E2 slip on and was very suprised to see that it is meant to be just a slip fit attatchment with no clamp securing it to the head pipe. I figured it must be ok, but when I put it on it really wasn't that tight and I could feel a little bit of slack in the fit. I can also feel a very very faint burst of gas if I put my hand above the joint when I rev the motor. Is this ok? I just don't feel comfortable about this. I may fabricate a bushing to go over it so that I can use the stock clamp(its too big for the E2 pipe) to secure the joint. Has anyone had any trouble/experience with this? Any suggestions or input?

03-27-2008, 10:16 PM
i havent done anything with mine and it runs fine. you can see where it leaks a tiny bit but it doesnt seem to affect anything

03-27-2008, 10:20 PM
I think the stock clamp sucks. But, when I got my e-series, the clamp was also too big. So, we got a peice of sheet metal, curled it untill it went around the header about a time and a half and got the clamp over. It is a huge pain the the butt, but once you get it, it works great! You can make it so you don't ever even have to see it!

03-28-2008, 01:24 AM
my E2 is the same way. i took a wiz wheel and cut slits in the pipe where it's flanged to fit over the head pipe and put a stainless T bolt clamp on it. it still leaks a little bit but not as much.

03-28-2008, 12:39 PM
Ok, well I guess I will just run it like it is until I get some spare time then I will take some measurements and fabricate an aluminum or brass bushing at work(I'm a machinist) so that I can just use the stock clamp on it.