View Full Version : Taming the HMF db

03-26-2008, 10:30 AM
What tips or tricks does anyone know of to take a HMF slip on (trx450r) and quiet it down to a 96db level? The obvious answer is a quiet core insert but will it really quiet it down enough to achieve a 96db?

03-26-2008, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by quadman21
What tips or tricks does anyone know of to take a HMF slip on (trx450r) and quiet it down to a 96db level? The obvious answer is a quiet core insert but will it really quiet it down enough to achieve a 96db?

I dont think it will be that low with the quiet core. Try the quiet core and see. Also is it a slip on or full system? If it is a slip on use a powerbomb or megabomb header. HMF makes a quiet race series but that would suck having to buy another exhaust if you already have the HMF.

03-26-2008, 01:44 PM
It's a slip-on. HMF's website claims their quiet cor will bring it from 102-104 to 94-96. I really find that hard to believe, but maybe.

03-26-2008, 02:50 PM
try the quiet core and have it tested. If it is a fairly new silencer then you will have to get a power bomb or megabomb header from FMF which lowers the dB rating. If its older or something new packing might make it pass witht he quiet core if the test witht he quiet core falls short of passing by a dB or 2. I have a quiet core for my HMF but its not installed. The place I ride doesnt care because there are things louder than my HMF. And the MX track I would ride at doesnt have a dB limit at all. Gotta love places in the boonies where theres nothing around them :)

03-26-2008, 03:52 PM
Ya, riding places like that are nice. However as I get older and db levels are being enforced at races, it's just time to try and lower the sound a little. I really want to achieve about a 95-96. Besides, as we all look for new places to ride it's nice not to have an obnoxious sounding pipe to piss off the owner who just let you ride on his land.