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View Full Version : colsed house break thread

03-25-2008, 04:41 PM
i would like to thank all the dumb*** teenagers on the site for once again being completely ridiculous and arguing instead of simply debating.you have all succeeded in getting another thread that might cause an intellectual debate to get closed. i've noticed there has a been a trend lately of "internet gangstas" on this site and its ridiculous. pappy thanking you for banning the instigators and please keep an eye out there are way to many of them around right now.

03-25-2008, 05:02 PM
everybody is a tough guy on the internet..:rolleyes: ive kinda lost faith in intelligent debates on this website lately. everybody is always trying to put on a front, making sure we all know how tough they are. the mods do a great job taking care of the site, but i think a "site cleaning" should be done to take out the trash.

03-25-2008, 05:09 PM
i think its because people just cant stop.. if you don't like whats being said. JUST STAY AWAY PERIOD.:macho

03-25-2008, 05:13 PM
LOL Everyone is tough online reminds me of a song.

Brad Paisly ( i think thats his name correct me if i am wrong)
the songs name is "Online"


03-25-2008, 06:13 PM
Trust me, we wont miss you if your only here to start trouble, post stupidity or cause problems. Frankly, those people are just not wanted here.

03-25-2008, 06:13 PM
i hate e-thugs

03-25-2008, 08:08 PM
It wasn't closed because of my post was it?