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View Full Version : Wii's, can't find them?

03-22-2008, 07:24 PM
Whats up with these stores that can't hold'em. My wife has gotten attached with the Wii and we are trying to locate one but nobody has them. I can't believe its been 2 years since there release and can't find them anywhere. I know there's ebay but I become a little weird when I buy something from there. I've asked these stores about there shipment but they never know when there coming. Its unreal:eek:

Ruby Soho
03-22-2008, 07:32 PM
my brother tried getting one forever, he called the local game place and they had one that somebody returned so he went and got it a few days ago.

i have to admit its really fun:p

03-22-2008, 07:46 PM

they seem really expensive, idk the regular price but they are expensive

03-22-2008, 08:06 PM
ill sell you a wii, it has 10 games and a 2 gb memory card. 3 controllers and 2 nuncucks. pretty much you wont need anything because we have it all ready. Ill sell it for 500$, pretty good considering we paid over 900$ for it, but we are motivated.

03-22-2008, 09:02 PM
we payed retail for our (250) we were required to buy a game with it tho. got it at toys r us, had to stand in line for about 10 minutes before they opened and got the 2nd to last one

03-22-2008, 09:05 PM
i know man. i didnt really understand either why two years later their still hard to get. my mom went to go get one for the family this past christmas, and she couldnt find one anywhere. i guess its still a hot seller. i called everywhere lookin for one wal mart, best buy, target etc. couldnt find one. no one could seem to tell me when they were gonna get any in either. finally a week or two after christmas i lucked up and found the last one at a wal mart near me. then it was hell to find another controller and nunchuck. again i lucked up and found the last one at i think a target or ebgames. your best bet is gonna be like online best buy or somethin even if it is on backorder or somethin youll probably get it before you can find one at a store. or you can try and get lucky like i did and just call every electronics place around every day until you find one. i lucked up and found wal marts last one. talk about lucky. i cant believe they are still sold out everywhere. nintendo must not be producing to many of them. theres no way there jus STILL sellin out everywhere. maybe idk. good luck tho.

03-23-2008, 11:44 AM
Wow, I didn't know they were still so hard to get... From what I read (and did with success) It's smartest to go on a Sunday because stores are forced to hold the consoles till then. The reason is that if a store advertises the console in the Sunday paper (which you can get later in a Saturday) the store HAS to have them in stock on a Sunday. Think about it, you can't advertise something you're not going to have! Some Sundays, you will see them advertised, which means they will be stocked. Other times, the Wii won't be in the circular and that means they did not get a shipment or are out of stock (but sometimes they do have them still). Don't listen to employees lie, saying "Oh, we don't know when we are getting them," or "We don't have any." I'm confident that stores get a weekly shipment of these consoles but the trick is waiting till Sunday and snagging one. What I did was I showed up early to Toys R Us and waited till they opened (keep in mind this was the Christmas hours--they were opened on a Sunday). I chose Toys R Us because they opened an hour earlier than any other store. If they didn't have one, I could simply go to another store and still arrive before they opened. The Wii wasn't even in the papers at Toys R Us but I was desperate because it was 2 days before Christmas. I show up and there was like only 4 other people there. When I left and came back an hour later, they still had some 20 Wiis and no one was buying them!
Long story short:
1)employees are no help (they won't tell you when they get them)
2)Sunday is the best day to get a Wii because that is when they have their Sunday advertisement sales in the papers
3)Seeing a Wii advertised in the Sunday paper USUALLY means it will be in stock on Sunday. If it isn't, they still MAY have one but it's unlikely.
4)Get there early, you're not the only one who wants one!
5)Go to the earliest opening store first so you can still race to another later opening store in case the 1st store is sold out.
6)Don't give up!

03-24-2008, 09:47 AM
where are u located in ny??? i know target in middletown ny has them in stock

03-24-2008, 09:53 AM
Keep calling stores. I got mine when it came out and did not have a big problem with getting it. but i hear Nintendo does not make that many at a time compared to other company's. A person i work with said she called toys r us saturday and had a shipment in on sunday. she was there half hour before they opened and got the 63rd one out of like 103 total. its nuts!. call places every other day. its your best bet. or find it online somewhere?

03-24-2008, 10:50 AM
the reason they are soo hard to find is because they are best console out right now!!!! I dont have one, because I spend my money on my R....lol All my friends have them, so i just free load off of them lol

03-24-2008, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by steveo39
where are u located in ny??? i know target in middletown ny has them in stock 10-15mins from Albany or Crossgates Mall.

03-25-2008, 01:20 PM
I kno one of the biggest reasons for why you still cannot find a Wii is because of the stage of production that they are in. I think they are still in the first or second stage of production where every Wii that comes off the production line is still inspected. Where as in the later stages every so many is inspected.

...dont quote me on it, I heard from somewhere along the grape vine.