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View Full Version : All of you Barak supporters.. please explain

03-17-2008, 09:05 AM
NWS videos does have some language. Not work safe due to language.


Trite? Perhaps so ... cliché? You bet. True? Absolutely. You are known by the company you keep ... especially if you happen to be in politics.

There has been talk of Obama's pastor, Jeremiah Wright, for many months now. We've all heard of the frankly un-American rants that the "Rev." Wright has delivered from the pulpit of Obama's United Church of Christ. Obama had always been able to distance himself from Wright's outrageous and bigoted remarks. Obama would tell us that he wasn't there when the sermons were delivered .. and the media seemed willing to accept that. Until Friday ....

Friday the words of Jeremiah Wright hit the fan, you might say. Friday the nation found out about Wright's "God Damn America" sermon. This one didn't start with talk radio. It didn't start with any Clinton memo to talk show hosts. It didn't start with a memo from the Republican National Committee ... at least I didn't see any such memo. Blame YouTube. The clips of Obama's radical pastor started appearing on YouTube on Thursday. Friday morning the now-infamous "God Damn America" sermon came to my attention through the efforts of ABC News. From there it was off to the races.

Let's face it, we really don't know Obama very well. We don't have much experience with him to draw upon. All many Americans really know about Barack Obama is that he is a wonderful orator. A few more Americans see him as a wonderful orator who essentially says nothing. For the most part, all Barack Obama has done is to stoke the rage against high achievers in our society through his class warfare tactics and to hand out thousands of "Change we can believe in" signs.

To be fair to Obama, he has had to walk a fine line with this Jeremiah Wright stuff. Ignore Wright's inflammatory and bigoted remarks and he ran the risk of being seen as accepting them. Step over the line in the condemnation of Wright and stand the risk of being branded a sellout or an Uncle Tom. So what does he do? He tries to straddle that fence. That never seems to work in politics.

Friday Obama had to take a stand. The "God Damn America" stuff; the charges that the United States created HIV to kill blacks; the blaming of 9/11 on our own government; the "U.S. of KKKA" ... too much to for the voters to ignore. Now Jeremiah Wright is no longer a part of Obama's campaign. He's out. No longer the pastor of Obama's church. Out there as well. The words "good riddance" come to mind.

Will the content of Reverend Jeremiah Wright's sermons hurt Barack Obama's campaign?
Oh yeah, he will definitely lose some ground because of Wright
No, the people who are up in arms over Wright's comments wouldn't vote Democrat anyway

Obama's actions on Friday don't solve his problem. Only his staunchest supporters would suggest that his severing of ties with pastor Wright were heartfelt. It was a political move ... a move designed to quiet the firestorm. One of Obama's own campaign advisors says that as of about 14 months ago the campaign was worried about the affect that Jeremiah Wright (I think I'm about finished using the "Reverend" thing) might have on Obama's chances to become president. So much for Obama not being aware of what Wright was saying from the pulpit.

Perhaps the real problem with Barack Obama is the type of people he has gravitated to throughout his history. Why Jeremiah Wright? Why this particular church? Was it Wright's political power that attracted Obama? Was it the very radical statements Obama is trying to dodge today?

You can learn quite a bit about Obama by reading Bill Sammon's book "Meet the Next President." The chapter on Obama is quite interesting. In Obama's first book, "Dreams of my Father," a book in which he writes of his "fierce ambition" to become president, Obama also writes about "white people's scorn" and "all the traps that seem to be laid in a black man's soul." Now that doesn't sound very trans-racial (to use Obama's words) to me. There's also a passage in that book about Obama's mother that I found impressive: "For my mother, organized religion too often dressed up closed-mindedness in the garb of piety, cruelty and oppression in the cloak of righteousness." I wonder what his mother would of thought of Obama's church.

Sammon's book also contains an interesting revelation about Jeremiah Wright and the philosophy of the Trinity United Church of Christ. "Wright advocated a redistribution of wealth that went beyond socialism. The congregation was required to embrace 'economic parity' and disavow 'the pursuit of middleclassness.'" Think about this. This is the church that was instrumental in bringing Obama to Christ (or so he says), and this is a church advocating radical wealth redistribution. Do you know what "economic parity" is? That would mean that everybody has an equal amount of stuff.

So it came to pass that Obama appeared on FOX News Friday night to answer questions about his pastor Jeremiah Wright. It didn't take very long for Wright to step down from Obama's African-American Religious Leadership Committee. But the damage has been done. Obama has been in this guys' pews for almost 20 years ... he referred to Wright has his uncle. Even though he no longer serves an official role in his campaign, Obama will forever be associated with this guy.

Now Wright's old church is responding ...fighting back, if you will. And how do you do that? Attacking the media would be one way ... so the Trinity United Church of Christ is accusing the media of character assassination and "crucifixion." The character of this church was damaged by their pastor. It was Jeremiah Wright who continuously made these statements ... he crucified himself, and didn't do Barack Obama any favors in the process. When in doubt, blame the media.

And on top of all of this, on Friday Barack Obama confirmed that his buddy Tony Rezko "raised more for Obama's earlier political campaigns than previously known." Ok .. different issue. But perhaps this news was released by the Obama campaign over the weekend because they knew it would be buried under the Jeremiah Wright controversy.

Another thing ... Why have so many websites removed the video of Obama's pastor delivering his "God Damn America" sermon? Click here for your link to the YouTube video – then try to make it play and see what happens. Makes you wanna go "hmmmmmmmmm"


03-17-2008, 10:02 AM
F*#& Obama. im all about clinton!

IMO this country will not be ready for a black president. And ill tell ya. i no the rednecks of the usa wont put up with that. im sure some1 will shoot him sadly. Thats just my look on it. Half this country are against blacks. Im not at all but its the point. He dont even impress me. Seems to be a big act. There is no1 even good running for president. I am in for hiliary. Bill was not a bad president. He was better then BUSH!! thats for sure. so id like to see them in the white house if anything!.

And wasent obama born in another country?

03-17-2008, 10:16 AM
imo Tracy Morgan said it best this week on SNL. "Barak gots to stay away from the pastor because he's too black. but just because he knows a dude doesn't mean he's going to think like him. look i have a friend that goes to a strip club, that doesn't mean i'm gonna go to a strip club" and i'm not sure about barak being born in another country but i know John McCain was, the Panama Canal Zone.

03-17-2008, 10:49 AM
You must be a native born citizen to become president. Barack was born in Hawaii. Not sure about McCain, but I'm sure he is ALL American.

Can't wait too see how much respect a WOMAN President will get from all our foreign allies and adversaries. Talk about being the laughing stock of the world!

03-17-2008, 10:56 AM
we are sure doomed with hillary too. Mccain is far from the best but he is however the best we have to choose from. You talkin about govnt spending crazy amounts of money..(wasted)

03-17-2008, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by 54warrior
You must be a native born citizen to become president. Barack was born in Hawaii. Not sure about McCain, but I'm sure he is ALL American.

Can't wait too see how much respect a WOMAN President will get from all our foreign allies and adversaries. Talk about being the laughing stock of the world!

Last time I checked Hawaii was a US State.. lol.
It became a state in 1959. Barrak was born in 1961. Therefore, your first assesment is a bit off.

Hillary has already dealt in world politics for years. The Queen of England doesn't garner too much disrespect. I don't see that as an issue.

I however would not vote for either one. I'm a right wing conservative, but ignorance and assumption are not what one should base their opinion on.

03-17-2008, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by bwamos
Last time I checked Hawaii was a US State.. lol.
It became a state in 1959. Barrak was born in 1961. Therefore, your first assesment is a bit off.

I guess you misunderstood me, my point was THAT Hawaii IS a state, so therefore he IS a US Citizen.

Robin Hood
03-17-2008, 11:39 AM
Ron Paul was our only hope to save this country...

03-17-2008, 11:47 AM
i forget what one of his major downsides were. It was his views on the war or either illegal immagrants.. I really did look into ron paul too much. I have heard a thing or two on the radio about him but it never stuck with me.

03-17-2008, 12:09 PM
Who they choose for their vice president, will be huge!!!! That may be what decides this election. So far, all 3 arent strong on their own, to win.

Obama does not get my vote either way.

03-17-2008, 12:11 PM
Originally posted by 54warrior
I guess you misunderstood me, my point was THAT Hawaii IS a state, so therefore he IS a US Citizen.

My mistake.

Sounded like you were saying he wasn't a citizen but McCain was.


03-17-2008, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by fofity
imo Tracy Morgan said it best this week on SNL. "Barak gots to stay away from the pastor because he's too black. but just because he knows a dude doesn't mean he's going to think like him. look i have a friend that goes to a strip club, that doesn't mean i'm gonna go to a strip club" and i'm not sure about barak being born in another country but i know John McCain was, the Panama Canal Zone.
watch that video again. Barack trusts his family with this guy. he has been a member of this church for 20yrs , he views this cat as a mentor. He basically looks up to that pastor of that church. PPl that participated in David Careshs thing believed in him. None of them were held against their will and neither was barack. For him to say that he didnt know that the pastor felt that way or whatever is a bunch of horse crock. He is not trustworthy and neither is hillary. Barack had no problem with that farakkon guy.. Hell he is the equivalent to the grand master of the KKK. What is mccain was supported by the KKK leader .. you think he would have made it this far. There is something wrong with this whole picture.

03-17-2008, 12:52 PM
To me, I just remember when Bill Clinton was in office and gas was $1. I also can't help but wonder what kind of life I would have right now if Gore had won instead of Bush the year AFTER I graduated highschool. The bottom line is that NO ONE can afford gas, jobs are leaving(General Tire left Mayfield), no one gets along anymore since everyone is stressed out over money constantly, and this war is getting to everyone who has family either over there and could go any minute. I like to think that Bush has done with best he could with what he had to work with but who am I kidding other than myself. I can't see why a man would want to go out as the president that nearly cause another depression(and thats still not out of the question) but I guess he does. If not, he knows a lot more than any of us ever will about how the world works and the war on terror. My dad used to say that a Republican was the one that allowed people to MAKE money and a Democrat would take everything you had. Atleast for the majority, there's nothing left to take. ****ty income along with $3.50 gas and groceries that keep going up, and everything else that cost more than a normal person can budget, is slowly killing hope amongst the middle class including myself. I make my living off residentual construction. Thanks to the Bush Administration allowing these banks to butt-rape people to the point that the banks have completely screwed themselves, I'm just about out of a job. Obviously, its time for something different. Not another man to continue one, but another way of thinking. I don't care that Obama is "HALF" black or that Hilary is a woman. Its looking like thats is whats its going to take to boost moral and hopefully, straighten up Bush's mess. Talking policies is a waiste of time with 90% of Americans. The average person, who works hard for their money, worries about keeping the lights and water on, what it cost to get to work, and eating.

03-17-2008, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by 54warrior
You must be a native born citizen to become president. Barack was born in Hawaii. Not sure about McCain, but I'm sure he is ALL American.

Can't wait too see how much respect a WOMAN President will get from all our foreign allies and adversaries. Talk about being the laughing stock of the world!

we already are.

EDIT: to the OP, Welcome to last week, this is over with already. Obama dropped him as his pastor and already said he doesn't believe what his former pastor said was right. He said, we as Americans have to stand up when people say stuff like he (Wright) said, and fight it.

This is the last forum I would want to see a political topic like this about. Seeing as the majority of the members are young, dumb, and from the south...

03-17-2008, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by xrdrsux
watch that video again. Barack trusts his family with this guy. he has been a member of this church for 20yrs , he views this cat as a mentor. He basically looks up to that pastor of that church. PPl that participated in David Careshs thing believed in him. None of them were held against their will and neither was barack. For him to say that he didnt know that the pastor felt that way or whatever is a bunch of horse crock. He is not trustworthy and neither is hillary. Barack had no problem with that farakkon guy.. Hell he is the equivalent to the grand master of the KKK. What is mccain was supported by the KKK leader .. you think he would have made it this far. There is something wrong with this whole picture.

thats true i suppose i just have a problem when people try to define a person or their policies by the people they associate with no matter who it is. i guess i just find this not to be as big of an issue as some, to me the more important issue is their voting record. i vote for someone who stands up for what i believe in and what i think is right for the country and they could have been mentored by the kkk or black panthers it doesn't matter as long as they don't allow that to carry into their politics and can separate themselves from their ideals for the betterment of the country just shows me how much better of a politician they are. whether this is the case with this guy we will have to find out but i doesn't matter much to me, hell i voted for Ron Paul in our primary.

03-17-2008, 01:18 PM
you must have forgot that we had a terrorist attack in 2001. What did bill do to prevent this. he had every opportunity in the world to. The govnt had their eyes on Bin laden and Billy boy told them to back down.
As far as gas prices goes. Once again we have been in war since 2001. Supply and demand will cause gas to go up within its self. Why isnt the US working on getting us our own oil to use.. Can you say democrats..lol tree huggers. etc.
You know why all the jobs are shutting down and moving out of the country. TAXES once again thanks to the democrats. How can someone make it by keep on raising taxes. They want to rediculously spend tax payers money in ways that dont benifit anyone.
How can you justify spending billions of dollars on research on muscles in river in another country or a bird that someone thought they saw that was supposed to be extinct. This is a waste of your and my money.
Hillarys bright idea of giving each child 5k dollars that is born in the US>. OHH what a good idea. How many gutter sluts do you think will be having children. I have a scenario. In a 4yr period have 5 children by 9 different possibilities. This is just what we need.. a bunch of babys mommas. They get WIC, food stamps, electric bill check, govnt housing, etc and pay in 500 dollars yearly in taxes MAYBE and get back 19k. Ok something dont add up here.
What about how much money illegal immagrants are costing the US.. way more than the war on terrorism.

as far as ppl having to foreclose on houses. Its not my fault that they are foolish enough to not get a fixed rate on their mortgage. Everyone wants equal opportunity to have things. If you dont qualify for a smart move then you just need to rent until things get better for you. I shouldnt have to pay for other ppls screw ups with my hard earned money. Its their fault. They didnt do the research on how that works with not having a fixed rate. I got a fixed rate on my house last year because i knew better. Out of all the houses that were forclosed on how many do you think had 2 newer cars in the driveway (2005 and newer) There is one problem right there. The had cell phones, cable, flat screen tvs, etc.

03-17-2008, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by fofity
thats true i suppose i just have a problem when people try to define a person or their policies by the people they associate with no matter who it is. i guess i just find this not to be as big of an issue as some, to me the more important issue is their voting record. i vote for someone who stands up for what i believe in and what i think is right for the country and they could have been mentored by the kkk or black panthers it doesn't matter as long as they don't allow that to carry into their politics and can separate themselves from their ideals for the betterment of the country just shows me how much better of a politician they are. whether this is the case with this guy we will have to find out but i doesn't matter much to me, hell i voted for Ron Paul in our primary.
in a way you are right.. We could only hope that if he gets elected that no type of racial thing would follow or that he would let these types of ppl influence him. But like what was said on the video. Basically birds of a feather flock together. If i hung out with a bunch of meth heads and i know i didnt do meth then that is fine but look at how other ppl look at me. Why would want to associate myself with those meth heads. Maybe im just different than others but it makes pretty good sense to me.

03-17-2008, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by xrdrsux
we are sure doomed with hillary too. Mccain is far from the best but he is however the best we have to choose from. You talkin about govnt spending crazy amounts of money..(wasted)


With Obama or Clinton in office, my dads business is screwed, the economy is screwed, and everything else is screwed.
A lot of you people don't know what it's like for people like my family. He owns his own business, and the president really determines whether we start attending food drives.:ermm:

If one of them get in, we're gonna be forced to bail out and try to make a living doing something else, which isnt that easy.

McCain isnt that great either, but the best out of the 3 of them. I think all politicans are scum, its just about picking the best scum..

03-17-2008, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by xrdrsux
you must have forgot that we had a terrorist attack in 2001. What did bill do to prevent this. he had every opportunity in the world to. The govnt had their eyes on Bin laden and Billy boy told them to back down.
As far as gas prices goes. Once again we have been in war since 2001. Supply and demand will cause gas to go up within its self. Why isnt the US working on getting us our own oil to use.. Can you say democrats..lol tree huggers. etc.
You know why all the jobs are shutting down and moving out of the country. TAXES once again thanks to the democrats. How can someone make it by keep on raising taxes. They want to rediculously spend tax payers money in ways that dont benifit anyone.
How can you justify spending billions of dollars on research on muscles in river in another country or a bird that someone thought they saw that was supposed to be extinct. This is a waste of your and my money.
Hillarys bright idea of giving each child 5k dollars that is born in the US>. OHH what a good idea. How many gutter sluts do you think will be having children. I have a scenario. In a 4yr period have 5 children by 9 different possibilities. This is just what we need.. a bunch of babys mommas. They get WIC, food stamps, electric bill check, govnt housing, etc and pay in 500 dollars yearly in taxes MAYBE and get back 19k. Ok something dont add up here.
What about how much money illegal immagrants are costing the US.. way more than the war on terrorism.

as far as ppl having to foreclose on houses. Its not my fault that they are foolish enough to not get a fixed rate on their mortgage. Everyone wants equal opportunity to have things. If you dont qualify for a smart move then you just need to rent until things get better for you. I shouldnt have to pay for other ppls screw ups with my hard earned money. Its their fault. They didnt do the research on how that works with not having a fixed rate. I got a fixed rate on my house last year because i knew better. Out of all the houses that were forclosed on how many do you think had 2 newer cars in the driveway (2005 and newer) There is one problem right there. The had cell phones, cable, flat screen tvs, etc.

I like your thinking. I completly agree with everything you just said:cool:

03-17-2008, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by 54warrior
You must be a native born citizen to become president. Barack was born in Hawaii. Not sure about McCain, but I'm sure he is ALL American.

Can't wait too see how much respect a WOMAN President will get from all our foreign allies and adversaries. Talk about being the laughing stock of the world!

true but England has had a Queen for years and she is 1 of the most known people in the world and she has power. I dont like either Democrats not only because i'm Republican but look at who we got here a woman and a black. Hilary I could deal with but Obama NO! I highly doubt he will last long in office anyways...

03-17-2008, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by TWILES
To me, I just remember when Bill Clinton was in office and gas was $1. I also can't help but wonder what kind of life I would have right now if Gore had won instead of Bush the year AFTER I graduated highschool. The bottom line is that NO ONE can afford gas, jobs are leaving(General Tire left Mayfield), no one gets along anymore since everyone is stressed out over money constantly, and this war is getting to everyone who has family either over there and could go any minute. I like to think that Bush has done with best he could with what he had to work with but who am I kidding other than myself. I can't see why a man would want to go out as the president that nearly cause another depression(and thats still not out of the question) but I guess he does. If not, he knows a lot more than any of us ever will about how the world works and the war on terror. My dad used to say that a Republican was the one that allowed people to MAKE money and a Democrat would take everything you had. Atleast for the majority, there's nothing left to take. ****ty income along with $3.50 gas and groceries that keep going up, and everything else that cost more than a normal person can budget, is slowly killing hope amongst the middle class including myself. I make my living off residentual construction. Thanks to the Bush Administration allowing these banks to butt-rape people to the point that the banks have completely screwed themselves, I'm just about out of a job. Obviously, its time for something different. Not another man to continue one, but another way of thinking. I don't care that Obama is "HALF" black or that Hilary is a woman. Its looking like thats is whats its going to take to boost moral and hopefully, straighten up Bush's mess. Talking policies is a waiste of time with 90% of Americans. The average person, who works hard for their money, worries about keeping the lights and water on, what it cost to get to work, and eating.

NO ONE can afford gas? plenty of people can afford it.

the house is run by the democratic party, how can u blame bush for everything

03-17-2008, 04:04 PM
ok i havent read all the posts so im not sure if theres a debate and whatnot but heres my views, i think some things need serious change in this country like the price of everything, more jobs and immigration (seems to me if you fix one the others will fall into place) but thats just me, now clinton gets my vote for now because she seems like the best candidate to balance things out...

clinton - see above
mccain - dont seem to want to change anything - 2nd choice
not voting - 3rd choice
obama - seems to want to change everything and thats really not neccessary

03-17-2008, 04:12 PM
The way I look at it now is I can't wait for a new prez and hopefully it goes in our favor. Right now our nation is just terrible and the future doesn't look until there is a change in power. Here in NY, diesel is $4.20 and I really feel bad for truckers, farmers ect.., Fuel is just 1 part of our mess and the list goes on and on. I pray for the drastic change to arrive soon!!!

03-17-2008, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by dirtbike&quad
NO ONE can afford gas? plenty of people can afford it.

the house is run by the democratic party, how can u blame bush for everything

Because, it seems like, in the end, he has the final say-so in what actually happens. I don't know what it cost you to go to work every day but $25 is cheap for me.

It cost my wife $70 a week now. Figure her pay with the average $10 an hour people make around here who clear $300 after taxes. That leaves them with $230 to get through the week. A trip to the store for food and household things for a person for 7 days will be a cheap $50. A woman will be more than that. That leaves $180 if they are lucky. NOW house payment/rent, light bill, gas(if you have it), TV, phone, ect.... over a month. Come on man. You berely scrape by IF nothing bad happens. You blow a tire and you're deciding if you really need a new pair of shoes without holes. I lived that when I got married for 6 months. I'd rather take a bullit and get it over with before siting up sweating half the night worrying about bills again. Guys like you need to wake up to reality and see how ****ty this world really is. I'm not making this **** up either. I can show you examples.

03-17-2008, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by TWILES
Because, it seems like, in the end, he has the final say-so in what actually happens. I don't know what it cost you to go to work every day but $25 is cheap for me.

It cost my wife $70 a week now. Figure her pay with the average $10 an hour people make around here who clear $300 after taxes. That leaves them with $230 to get through the week. A trip to the store for food and household things for a person for 7 days will be a cheap $50. A woman will be more than that. That leaves $180 if they are lucky. NOW house payment/rent, light bill, gas(if you have it), TV, phone, ect.... over a month. Come on man. You berely scrape by IF nothing bad happens. You blow a tire and you're deciding if you really need a new pair of shoes without holes. I lived that when I got married for 6 months. I'd rather take a bullit and get it over with before siting up sweating half the night worrying about bills again. Guys like you need to wake up to reality and see how ****ty this world really is. I'm not making this **** up either. I can show you examples.

oh boo-hoo.:rolleyes:

People in Ethiopia sleep on dirt, live in huts, die from starvation, dehydration, and live with wild animals.
When you compare the US to places like that, this place is wonderful. Nothing is perfect, but we are a hell of a lot better than most other places.

As long as Hilary or Obama don't get in, then we should be fine. I wanted Thompson, so im kinda upset. McCain aint all that great, hes too liberal.

03-17-2008, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by TWILES
Because, it seems like, in the end, he has the final say-so in what actually happens. I don't know what it cost you to go to work every day but $25 is cheap for me.

It cost my wife $70 a week now. Figure her pay with the average $10 an hour people make around here who clear $300 after taxes. That leaves them with $230 to get through the week. A trip to the store for food and household things for a person for 7 days will be a cheap $50. A woman will be more than that. That leaves $180 if they are lucky. NOW house payment/rent, light bill, gas(if you have it), TV, phone, ect.... over a month. Come on man. You berely scrape by IF nothing bad happens. You blow a tire and you're deciding if you really need a new pair of shoes without holes. I lived that when I got married for 6 months. I'd rather take a bullit and get it over with before siting up sweating half the night worrying about bills again. Guys like you need to wake up to reality and see how ****ty this world really is. I'm not making this **** up either. I can show you examples.
now i can agree with you there. but now you have to adjust. sell the tahoe(lol) and get a suzuki car. I have a v8 and i drive 38miles one way to work. It takes me 50 a week to get back and forth to work. This is one reason im looking for me a 5pd s10 or a nissan truck or somthing. I have dropped my cell phone bill down dramatically etc. I cut back on things to help out the situation. If we can get out own thing going over here for the oil for gas and get more refineries then we are making progress. There is no sense in putting someone in office that cares less about it. Not saying mccain does but the other 2 want to raise taxes and spend them foolishly

03-17-2008, 04:50 PM
here is a few questions for you to answer. If you care to share in a sentence or 2 on why you chose what you did please do so. You may be surprised. I think there are only 10 ?s. Ill share mine in a few once we get some responses.

03-17-2008, 05:26 PM
i fall in the libertarian part.. here is why
im gonna explain what i chose by numbers ie: 1 = 1st question on site.. 2= 2nd question. and so on.

1:I agree that the govnt shouldnt censor etc..
there should be censors but it isnt the govnts responsibility. It should be a private sector that does it.

2: I chose maybe..
In worst case senario there should be a draft.

3: There should be no laws on sex with consenting adults.
example: prostitution. 2 adults having sex. i have something they want,,,they have something i want. Govnt cant tax it and they dont like it. Period

4: I agree to appeal laws on the use of drugs
It should be my right to smoke a joint while watching tv if i want to.. govnt cant tax it they dont like it.

5: I disagree.
there should be a national ID card.. example. SS card

6: I agree to end corporate welfare.
If you cant make it in your business, time to move on

7: Internation free trade.
I disagree with ending free trade.

8: I agree to let ppl control their own retirment.
for example. SS may not be available when i get ready to retire. Not good.

9: I agree to replace govnt welfare with private charity.
This is killing the economy also. Not the govnts responsibility to take care of the sorry ppl. Let the private companies do it.

10: Yes cut taxes and govnt spending
they are foolishly wasting money as i have mention alot in the previous posts on here. There is no need in millions of dollars to explore certain birds, frogs, etc. If we had just bookoos of money then fine but that isnt the case.

LIBERTARIANS support maximum liberty in both personal and

economic matters. They advocate a much smaller government; one

that is limited to protecting individuals from coercion and violence.

Libertarians tend to embrace individual responsibility, oppose

government bureaucracy and taxes, promote private charity, tolerate

diverse lifestyles, support the free market, and defend civil liberties

03-17-2008, 05:32 PM
the housing "crisis" could have been easily avoided if people would do a little research before they sign up to make the biggest purchase of thier lives. yes, some people were flat swindled and i feel sorry for them but overall it is nothing but irresponsible people and it amazes me how so many want to blame thier own iresponsibilty on someone else. then the government keeps printing more money just to keep up and that just digs another hole.supply and demand at is most basic- the more we print, the less its worth. a bigger hole will be dug if the democrats get in and start giving welfare and food stamps to everyone. taxes will go up to pay for it, and then everyone becomes dependent on the government. more people than ever will be fine with this and wont have incentive to do anything if the govermnet helps them regardless. then ethanol will really catch on, fuel will drop, but anything else that relies on corn go up, corn its self, beef, chicken, alcohol, tortillas (mexico has already been hit hard by this one). just a few examples of what is to come

the best thing you can do is spend your money wisely and elect someone who wants as little government as possible, toss out all these overblown government programs and come up with a sensible way to get out of these wars. its definatly not barack, its not hillary and lets face it, mccain and hillary really arent a whole lot different. ron paul could fix most of the isues, but already said he wont run a 3rd party. i'm not sure csting a blank vote ( no confidence ) or not voting at all will do anything, write in candidates wouldnt standa chance, but at least you wouldbe voting for who you like. i'm not sure what to do. i'll probaby vote for mc cain just to do what i can to keep someone from getting in based on his speaking ability

as for the queen of england, england is a constitiuonal monarchy, she is little more than an ambassodor for the country, she has very little actuall power, that is in the house of lords and commons, similar to our system

03-17-2008, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by xrdrsux
now i can agree with you there. but now you have to adjust. sell the tahoe(lol) and get a suzuki car. I have a v8 and i drive 38miles one way to work. It takes me 50 a week to get back and forth to work. This is one reason im looking for me a 5pd s10 or a nissan truck or somthing. I have dropped my cell phone bill down dramatically etc. I cut back on things to help out the situation. If we can get out own thing going over here for the oil for gas and get more refineries then we are making progress. There is no sense in putting someone in office that cares less about it. Not saying mccain does but the other 2 want to raise taxes and spend them foolishly

My wife has a 2001 3.8 Mustang that runs as good as new with 110,000 miles on it. Her base pay is $500 a week. Her commision averages that again. I'm a contractor. I'm not laying blame on him at all. He just managed to be the one there when everything started to go to ****. I don't want to pay any more it taxes than I have to but in some way's, it might be better for the long run. I think universal healthcare is a joke. I've been that guy in the middle who made too much for help and not enough for my own before and God knows I wouldn't have taken the help unless I was dying but its still not right. There will still be those on Medicaid that everyone else has to pay for and it also gives the doctors that much more incentive to jack up their bills.

As far as cutting back goes, we've cut back to a bare minimum aside from cable internet($50). I didn't have the greatest year last year and we still grossed $65,000 together but it goes nowhere. I need a 3/4 ton truck and opted for a diesel. I spent more and have a bigger payment BUT I'm getting 20pergallon instead of 11. Everything we have is rigged to make it as easy and cheap as possible. Where the union plant jobs leaving affects me is when my father made a lot of money off General Tire workers by bricking their huge houses. Now he's dead and those decent paying jobs are gone from this area. There wasn't a word said about them leaving until Bush got into office and the plant went to mexico. The only good jobs around here have been "labor" jobs. I see all this from a "dirt-poor" perspective. I get TOP dollar for my work and I still can't afford to put much back for new equipment. I don't know who the best one will be but it just doesn't seem like another republican would be any better than the one we have. I've figured out from reading and watching the news that McCain doesn't care for Bush and that might be a good sign.

03-17-2008, 05:45 PM
well bud.. you and your wife make more than me and my fiance. and we have a child to deal with.. 90 a week in daycare gets old. not to mention diapers and all the fun stuff that comes along with having a child. I get paid every other week and one whole pay check goes to the house payment. I have 18 dollars left out of it. It sucks but this is life. We dont need to settle what will be better for us this year but in the long run. If hillary or barack get in it may seem cool at first but in the long run when you look at the numbers on paper its crazy how much money is wasted by the govnt.. hell if they have that much to blow then let me keep some instead of raping me on the taxes. www.fairtax.org may help out some. If they screw up then the next president has to go that much further to try and fix what they did much less the other stuff that has happened over the years.

03-17-2008, 05:47 PM
my answers to the above link questionarre

1. absoultly no censorship. the government does it with good intentions, but this country is built on capitalism. if you dont like it, you can turn the dial, change the channel, what ever. less veiwers, less money from advertising. anything "unacceptable" can be eventually weeded out by good old consumerism.

2. not for every tiny skirmish. ive got no desire to be in the military, but this is a great country that we do need to protect. bottom line, i'm not signing up, but if i wa caled, i wouldnt argue

3. i agree. prostition should be legal. once its legal and can be monitored it shouldnt be an issue anymore with regard to spreading disease. no different than needing a drivers liscence to drive a car, i think you should need a prostitoin liscence to be a hooker

4. drugs are bad, evryone knows this. the ignorant ones just want to justify bad behaivor with "weed is natural, it cant be bad" and crap like that. geuss what, pioson dart frogs, hornet nest and rattelsnakes are also natural so that argument is void. what i thinkthere needs to be is more empahasis on treatment for those who ask for it. there should still be jail time involved and it shouldnt be any less than what the same crime with no treatment gets. this weeds out the un sincere people that want out, not help. lets face it, you can take a horse to water, but you cant make him drink, and you and you can only treat an addict that wants to be treated

5. we already have one, its your social security card. i wouldnt mind having to carry one tho, if it helped to keep out those we dont want here

6. I dont see a problem with corporate well fare for start ups. say a 2 year or less deal then you are on your own and need to pay for your own mistakes

7. NAFTA has helped and hurt this country depending on where you live. why not let individual states or counties decide this one instead of the national government. then people can vote on what is best for there area

8. why do we need social security at all? get a job, save your money, you know you cant work forever and you'll need it then

9. welfare is a crock of crap. we need to replace welfare with education so people can do for themselves instead of depending on someone else

10. i dont think it would be hard at all to cut the government spending in half. there are alot of things individual states should be paying for since it helps them and not the federal government. along with getting ride of welfare, food stamps. and why do we pay senators 120,000 a year? isnt this a job of servitude? cut thier pay in half

i also think people that dont make any money and then complain because they have 10 kids is redicualous. sex is a right, but with rights come responsibility, if you cant afford to feed a family, dont have one! dont do what you want then expect the government to help you because a family makes you happy. this country does not garuntee happiness, only the pursuit of it.

03-17-2008, 08:55 PM
My opinion is that it won't matter who gets in..no one can fix the mess this country is in within the four year term. As long as we're still fighting over the imaginary weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, we will continue to sink farther in debt. Neither choice we have for president is strong enough to pull it out, without a strong candidate for vice-president. If someone somewhere doesn't get a control on fuel prices, this nation is headed to depression. Edwards or Huckleby would have been better choices, but thanks to the media, they made the Democractic race a two person race and Huckleby didn't have the resources to stay the course. I vote John Natalie for President!

03-18-2008, 03:35 AM
Obama and Clinton both made Judicial Watche's 2007 top 10 corrupt politician's.

Obama will win the nomination of the Democratic party and will most likely become the next president. McCain on the other hand wants to stay in Iraq, has a democratic voting record, and doesn't have the support of most conservatives. I personally am voting for Ron Paul, even if I have to write the guy in. do your research the biggest crisis we are going to face is the economy, we are on the verge of a depression despite what mainstream media will tell you. They can give you numbers all day long but check out our debt we are basically running everything off credit, we just recently lost our spot as the worlds number one economy, gas prices rise because the value of the dollar is backed by nothing and continues to fall.


The media sold you the Iraq war don't let them sell you the next president, research.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/-3MLTvYBQy0&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/-3MLTvYBQy0&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

03-18-2008, 04:13 AM
I think that Mccains idea for staying in Iraq is about par. I would. Now is no time to pull out of anywhere over there.

Imaginary WMDs ? I think they have enough evidence to say that there were WMDs before we went over there. Hell the US told them that we were coming over and over again and what we was gonna be looking for months and months before we went. The SWAT team dont tell the dope houses that they are coming on a certain day at a certain time. But we gave them too many chances to come clean with them which in turn gave them chances to disassemble or hide them.

Dick Cheney had/has proof that Iraq was strong training grounds for the taliban or Al queda. This is why we went to Iraq. We are not in a war with Iraq. We did however get them in a better position for them to establish a govnt other than Saddams way. That is what the ppl wanted though. So be it.

I do agree with who ever gets in wont be able to fix the problem with in 4 or ever 8 years. That still shouldnt make us just give up on all of it and say the heck with it. Im sure ron paul has his good and bad ways about him just as everyone else does but IMO voting for him is gonna be a waste of a vote. He isnt gonna win. I would rather see those votes go towards Mccain to keep hillary and obama out of office.

I think that illegal immigration is a bigger worry than the money spent on the war. Here are some links and numbers for you on immigration.

I got this from another site.**************************


MoveOn.org has teamed up with John Edwards and other moonbat activist groups to create a public awareness campaign. This $20 million campaign's sole purpose is to promote the perceived link between the war in Iraq and the weakening U.S. economy.

It is being called the Iraq Campaign 2008, and it will include advertising, anti-war events, and lobbying efforts to end the war. There will also be a $750,000 "Bush Legacy Bus" that will tour the country. This bus will have an exhibition of Bush's "greatest hits of the failure of the Bush administration" including the war, Hurricane Katrina, the economy, and healthcare. The bus will stop in front of offices of legislators who supported Bush's policies.

And as for the message ... Elizabeth Edwards says that if the economy is your number one issue when you go to vote, the war should be number one too because there is a connection between the two.

Hold on a minute here. What about illegal immigration? What about the Mexican invasion? How much money are we spending dealing with the millions of illegals that people like MoveOn.org and the Edwards family have welcomed into this country with open arms?

The fact is illegal aliens cost our economy more every year than does the Iraq war. Try $338 billion a year! Here is a series of links to stories that will detail the cost.

$11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year. http://tinyurl.com/zob77
$1.9 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens. http://www.cis.org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.html
$2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens. http://www.cis.org/articles/200/fiscalexec.html
$12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English! http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html
$17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.
$3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.
30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.
$90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare and Social Services by the American taxpayers.
(Link not active ... was not able to verify this information)
$200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.
The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two-and-a-half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0606/12/ldt.01.html
During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin and marijuana, crossed into the U. S from the Southern border. Homeland Security Report. http://tinyurl.com/t9sht
The National Policy Institute, estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period. http://www.nationalpolicyinstitute.org/pdf/deportation.pdf
In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances back to their countries of origin. http://www.rense.com/general75/niht.htm
'The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States. http://www.drdsk.com/articles.html#Illegals
Total cost is a whopping... $338 BILLION A YEAR!!!

03-18-2008, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by DEREK_SINE
[quote]we just recently lost our spot as the worlds number one economy

Based on the site you gave our GDP Purchasing power is 2nd only to the entire combined European Union. We are 2nd only to a combined total of 27 countries. (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.)

Which honestly is fine. If we're #2 economically, people will gun for #1 and not us. :P

We still hold 21% of the worlds Gross Domestic Product.

03-18-2008, 01:14 PM

Now ... let's see if I remember all this correctly. In reading excerpts from Obama's first book, "Dreams From My Father," I thought I read about all of the personal anguish he went through trying to deal with his racial makeup. Then I could swear that I though I read of the extreme discomfort he felt living in a white world, and the scorn he felt for whites.

Well .. I guess that has all changed now. Today we are going to be blessed with a major Barack Obama speech on race. Perhaps that's a good thing. Obama certainly brings a unique background to the situation, so I'll be paying attention.

Not that Obama is all that concerned about what I would like to hear in his speech, but how about sharing with us his feelings on the differences between prejudice, bigotry and racism. There is no doubt that there are racial problems in this country. On the one hand we have white Americans who can't bring themselves to acknowledge the abilities .. let alone the humanity .. in their black neighbors. On the other side we have a black culture that identifies anything said by a white person about an individual who is black – no matter how valid the statement or criticism may be -- as racism.

If we are going to solve the racial problems in our society – and we must – then one would think that the first thing we ought to do would be to identify the problem. There are very different definitions for bigotry, prejudice and racism – and to identify prejudice or bigotry as racism makes finding solutions all that much harder.

We look forward to Obama's speech with much anticipation. Maybe he'll explain why he was so quick to call for an apology from Geraldine Ferraro and has yet to call for an apology from Jeremiah Wright? Of course the very fact that I've brought that up here means that I'm ... a racist!

from www.boortz.com

03-18-2008, 01:41 PM
a link to Obama's speech. i think he touched on all the points fairly well if you have time (37mins) its atleast worth a watch.


03-18-2008, 04:09 PM
i watched all of it. That was a good speach to try to smooth things over but i dont buy it. I dont agree with the majority of the racial things he said other than there was slavery and it was bad. That has absolutley nothing to do with ppl that are under the age of 45. I see so many black ppl that have something because they strive for it like everyone else does but i see waaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more than that........ that absolutley could care less. This is my home town. You take a look at what i see daily and i live in a small town.
Have you ever been to atlanta and seen all the idiots that dont do anything all day but drink and sell drugs and play cards. Sure there is bad in all races but some are worse that others. these ppl had and have the same opportunity as i did. Some of them i went to school with and some are still in school and some are towards my mommas age. You cannot expect to get a decent job by going to an interview with nasty dreads that looks like you just came out of some rastafarian jungle. It just isnt gonna happen. We learn about the right way to go about things in school. You learn how to make resumes and properly talk and do interview and proper etiquette (sp). For someone to say that there are just as many bad whites as blacks that are locked up or do crimes is extremely false. Go to your local state corrections website and look for the population statistics and sort them by race. **hint** mexicans are considered white. Heck you can go to georgia department of corrections and look under the inmate part and check out statistics for my state too. I worked there for years and i have witnessed first hand the real thing. I am by no means prejudice and i have black friends that i ride with but i just cant believe but so much about ppl not having equal opportunities. That is bs. maybe 30 years ago that may have been an issue but it is far from one now. PPL that contract work out are scared not to hire a minority group for the project because of potential lawsuits.

03-18-2008, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by bradley300
my answers to the above link questionarre

1. absoultly no censorship. the government does it with good intentions, but this country is built on capitalism. if you dont like it, you can turn the dial, change the channel, what ever. less veiwers, less money from advertising. anything "unacceptable" can be eventually weeded out by good old consumerism.

2. not for every tiny skirmish. ive got no desire to be in the military, but this is a great country that we do need to protect. bottom line, i'm not signing up, but if i wa caled, i wouldnt argue

3. i agree. prostition should be legal. once its legal and can be monitored it shouldnt be an issue anymore with regard to spreading disease. no different than needing a drivers liscence to drive a car, i think you should need a prostitoin liscence to be a hooker

4. drugs are bad, evryone knows this. the ignorant ones just want to justify bad behaivor with "weed is natural, it cant be bad" and crap like that. geuss what, pioson dart frogs, hornet nest and rattelsnakes are also natural so that argument is void. what i thinkthere needs to be is more empahasis on treatment for those who ask for it. there should still be jail time involved and it shouldnt be any less than what the same crime with no treatment gets. this weeds out the un sincere people that want out, not help. lets face it, you can take a horse to water, but you cant make him drink, and you and you can only treat an addict that wants to be treated

5. we already have one, its your social security card. i wouldnt mind having to carry one tho, if it helped to keep out those we dont want here

6. I dont see a problem with corporate well fare for start ups. say a 2 year or less deal then you are on your own and need to pay for your own mistakes

7. NAFTA has helped and hurt this country depending on where you live. why not let individual states or counties decide this one instead of the national government. then people can vote on what is best for there area

8. why do we need social security at all? get a job, save your money, you know you cant work forever and you'll need it then

9. welfare is a crock of crap. we need to replace welfare with education so people can do for themselves instead of depending on someone else

10. i dont think it would be hard at all to cut the government spending in half. there are alot of things individual states should be paying for since it helps them and not the federal government. along with getting ride of welfare, food stamps. and why do we pay senators 120,000 a year? isnt this a job of servitude? cut thier pay in half

i also think people that dont make any money and then complain because they have 10 kids is redicualous. sex is a right, but with rights come responsibility, if you cant afford to feed a family, dont have one! dont do what you want then expect the government to help you because a family makes you happy. this country does not garuntee happiness, only the pursuit of it.

I pretty much have the same as you except 1 thing. Weed. If weed were legalized we could make a huge profit off it. Hemp could go into a lot of things like paper, rope, clothing, stuff like that. And you can thank the Govt. on corrupting this nation that weed is "harmful drug".

Edit: This could also apply to #10. That would cut out alot of the spending by the DEA

03-19-2008, 04:01 PM
steven colbert for president.
truethfully though i agree with alot of you about cutting spending and less government involment in day to day lives and how people survive. if you can survive on your own get a better job or another one. i mean hell im 21 work 2 jobs a week im thinking of starting my own business along with buying my first investment/rental house before i even move out that way i wont have to worry about living pay check to pay check or worry about losing my house cause i was sick for those couple days. its all about planning and researching what your getting into before hand then making an educated decision. talking about education. if a kid doesnt want to go to school dont make support programs that will take care of them later in like. section 8 houses around my area people pay about 15-20 dollars a month to live in and the sate will pay up to 1300 depending on the size of your family and your income. what the incentive for these people to get out and do better when they can just live for basically free and just sell drugs or steal what they want to own. you know how many stolen bikes end up in baltimore being rode around the streets

03-19-2008, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by kawiefan
I pretty much have the same as you except 1 thing. Weed. If weed were legalized we could make a huge profit off it. Hemp could go into a lot of things like paper, rope, clothing, stuff like that. And you can thank the Govt. on corrupting this nation that weed is "harmful drug".

Edit: This could also apply to #10. That would cut out alot of the spending by the DEA

i dont see any reason why hemp can't be legal. honestly tho i'm not 100% sure on the subject tho. is hemp a product of a pot plant, or is it an entirely different non-thc breed of pot? anyway, sure the THC can be bred out just like its been bred to be stronger

i'll change what i said a little, weed isnt really any worse than alcohol, but like everything else, there are too many people with no self control that make it look worse than it is. but like i said, treatment cuts out the demand, then there wont be a need for the supply

03-19-2008, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by 250rmike
steven colbert for president.
truethfully though i agree with alot of you about cutting spending and less government involment in day to day lives and how people survive. if you can survive on your own get a better job or another one. i mean hell im 21 work 2 jobs a week im thinking of starting my own business along with buying my first investment/rental house before i even move out that way i wont have to worry about living pay check to pay check or worry about losing my house cause i was sick for those couple days. its all about planning and researching what your getting into before hand then making an educated decision. talking about education. if a kid doesnt want to go to school dont make support programs that will take care of them later in like. section 8 houses around my area people pay about 15-20 dollars a month to live in and the sate will pay up to 1300 depending on the size of your family and your income. what the incentive for these people to get out and do better when they can just live for basically free and just sell drugs or steal what they want to own. you know how many stolen bikes end up in baltimore being rode around the streets

i say less help for the poor means more motivation. if you want to eradicate poverty stop giving them a crutch!

03-19-2008, 05:46 PM
there not going to legalize weed because prescription drug companies, alcohol , and tobacco have too much money and pull with politicians its all about money

the way i look at it, is the color is pretty irrelevent, i think obama lacks expirience but clinton is a woman.....and to be quite honest guys whether black white or purple handle themselves like guys,.... weve never had a woman president but if were going to hillary would be my choice...i dont really think being a woman would affect her decisions but if you want to get down to it, at least bama is same gender as past presidents....personally i think anyone voting by gender or color alone shouldnt be casting a vote.... there the same ones who voted for bush:eek: :blah:

03-19-2008, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by bradley300
i say less help for the poor means more motivation. if you want to eradicate poverty stop giving them a crutch!

exactly....the poor are poor because they choose to be

marijuana is not bad, show me one person it has killed? people who abuse anything do so because they lack self discipline or control, i dont use marijunana i have no desire to, but dont be brainwashed by the "war on drugs" its all about money not saving lives...unless someone is going to profit off of it

think about it, if they legalized it people will grow it in there backyards very hard to profit off of that

Robin Hood
03-19-2008, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by SRH
exactly....the poor are poor because they choose to be

marijuana is not bad, show me one person it has killed? people who abuse anything do so because they lack self discipline or control, i dont use marijunana i have no desire to, but dont be brainwashed by the "war on drugs" its all about money not saving lives...unless someone is going to profit off of it

think about it, if they legalized it people will grow it in there backyards very hard to profit off of that

As much as I hate to agree with it, alcohol is a thousand times more lethal than weed. You cannot become addicted to weed, nor can you OD with it..

All the candidates running ATM suck. Every single one will run this country further into the ground. If people want CHANGE, why didn't they vote for Ron Paul?

Anyone who is at least the tiniest bit worried about Immigration should watch this video http://youtube.com/watch?v=n7WJeqxuOfQ

Be careful who you guys vote for.

03-20-2008, 02:08 PM
i'm not going to argure about drugs, but you only need to listen to loveline or watch celebrity rehab w/ dr. drew to know weed is jut as addictive as anyhting else if you have a predisposition to addiction. using anything on a regular basis that takes you out of your normal state of my mind is probably a patch work fix for emotional/personal issues and a cry for help and attention

03-20-2008, 04:39 PM
i agree.. my fiance just got finished with a class at college that a major topic was drugs and the affect on you. Marijuana is not addicting. Cocaine, crack, heroin, etc is. The marijuana breaks down so slow your mind dont even know it is leaving you. Cocaine on the other hand leaves you body all at one time taking the cocaine and you bodys natural drug out and you body is starving for atleast the natural drug which makes you want more coke to get back to that point of the natural but you over pass it with the cocaine and then you do it all over again. marijuana breaks down a little at a time and leaves the natural drug in there when all the marijuana is gone so there is no "starvation" for it like coke..

03-21-2008, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by SRH
exactly....the poor are poor because they choose to be

Where did you get this information?? :huh

Many poor people don't choose to be poor .... many people have circumstances beyond their control that force them into poverty.

Example ... The elderly needing thousands of dollars worth of prescription medications per month with very little assistance. They don't choose to be poor ... they choose their health which drives them into poverty.

Example.... Families that get laid off from their jobs because the companies are now contracting out to foreign countries. They don't choose to lose their jobs and have to spend their savings putting food on the table for their children.

When 1 single industry runs an entire community and that industry closes up , there's no other words to describe it other than " you're f***ed". You can't sell your home in a town that has virtually become a Ghost Town overnight. Without selling your home , you have to funds to buy in another location ... without moving to that other location you have no opportunity to put money in your pocket or food on the table . You're driven into Poverty.

Just thought I'd shed some light on the topic before you convince others to think that the Poor choose to be Poor.

As for those discussing Hemp . Hemp is from the same family as marijuana , but does not contain the THC that pot does. You would have to smoke a telephone pole size Hemp joint to get even the slightest "buzz" . Up here in Canada we use hemp for a wide range of things. It is used to make clothings , rugs , etc. It's got a lot of uses.

03-21-2008, 01:59 PM
i can agree with you some there quad18..
It would be a bad situation to get laid off of a job. BUT you can find another job. There are tons of them out there. It may not be the amount of money you are used to getting or something that you absolutley hate doing but you gotta do what you gotta do.

As far as elderly ppl there should be some sort of aid. (medicade and medicare) however 23 year old females that take advantage of this by going and having 4 children by 8 different possible fathers are killing the good things that this does for ppl. They chose the life they live. They have the same opportunity as others. Most elderly ppl that made the more educated choices in life are getting SS and some sort of retirement and the medicade is picking up some slack too.

The way things are going SS isnt gonna be available for me when i am at the right age. Democrats want more govnt power instead of ppl being responsible for their own actions.

03-21-2008, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by nofearrider1
we already are.

EDIT: to the OP, Welcome to last week, this is over with already. Obama dropped him as his pastor and already said he doesn't believe what his former pastor said was right. He said, we as Americans have to stand up when people say stuff like he (Wright) said, and fight it.

This is the last forum I would want to see a political topic like this about. Seeing as the majority of the members are young, dumb, and from the south...

ur about as stupid as they come, dont come on this forum if u dont want to see it. And please dont ever bring ur arse to the south:mad:

03-21-2008, 04:55 PM
this is far from over.. it would be nice but not reality. Obama can try and smooth things over with all the fancy words and all that but he chose to have wright as a pastor, mentor, friend, etc. Watch one video and then start clicking on the videos that are similar on the right side. Youtube that is. He and his church have dealing with Farrakhon and all them idiots.

03-21-2008, 10:59 PM
i got to agree, you dont listen to a pastor for 20 years that you dont agree with.

and what do you think would be happening if this was mc cains pastor? he's be ridden out on a rail for listing to 1 complete sermon