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View Full Version : Coming from the UK to ride in America.

03-16-2008, 10:33 AM
It was that time of year when all the family sat down to plan out holiday this year.. with me racing, my brother getting into it and my dad enjoyin trail riding we figured a 2-3week trip to america to get some ride time in would be a really good!

one snag.. bike..

ive got a friend out there who has a bike my brother can ride round his track and one for my dad to potter round on.. but i am looking to get some serious ride time in at different tracks to progress in my riding as everyone in this country looking for more goes to America. i was wondering if anyone knew of any places they rented race bikes? or somthing of the sort?

any ideas would be more than welcome :D



03-16-2008, 06:56 PM
First off it might help if you say where you plan to ride

I did a little searching and didn't find any rental "race bikes". The places i know of that have rentals only have stock bikes and they are on the west coast where i live. And when you rent one you can only ride them in that OHV area. Some examples are Pismo, Glamis, and Prarie City. To be honest most of the ones i have seen were in pretty sad shape.

03-17-2008, 04:36 AM
hmm ok.

Well that was going to be my next question.. where are all the best practise tracks? we will probarbly rent a motorhome out so traveling wont be a problem.

what about contacting some compines asking them to help me out with a bike? lonestar..?

03-17-2008, 07:01 AM
So where in the states are you going to go to? California....or which?

03-17-2008, 09:59 AM
havent really got any idea yet.. was hoping you guys would recommend some places to ride at in a close (ish) area? or a central location to good tracks ?! :D

03-17-2008, 12:17 PM
If you just want to ride tracks i would say to go somewhere on the east coast. It seems like the motocross scene is bigger than the west and they seem to have more better quality tracks available for ATVs.

If you want a variety in terrain then california is a good place to go with some good tracks down south, dunes, desert, and mountain trails. Heck you could even go down and ride in Baja if you wanted.

03-17-2008, 01:30 PM
eveybody in the east says the west is better? and your saying east is better than west lol

are u motocross racing? tt racing? xc racing? why not just have your bike shipped over? to like a shop that will be near where your going to start in america

03-17-2008, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by honda4life72
why not just have your bike shipped over? to like a shop that will be near where your going to

Even though that's probably a bad idea, or just not do-able...

It's probably your only option if you plan to ride. Your not going to find someone that builds race-bikes to rent.

The cost to ship is probably insane, but in my experience, when I go riding and see "rental quads" they are usually honda ranchers, or other 300cc or less bikes that arent really performance bikes.

03-17-2008, 03:24 PM
hmm.. bit of a problem then.

il have to ask some of the guys over here where they get thier bikes from, or if i can use one of thier bikes out there..

i do motocross.. and thats the main reason i would come over to train on the tracks.

there is a guy out there this season, my dad knows his dad.. and he rides honda.. so i think getting in touch asking him would be a good idea..
