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03-11-2008, 10:29 PM
who supports the war no comments cuz it will turn ugly and you cant have a good argument on atvriders.com im just wondering where everyone stands remember yes or no

03-12-2008, 03:44 PM
We invaded the worng country.:ermm:

03-12-2008, 04:05 PM
I just read yesterday in the paper that we are spending on avererage 12 BILLION DOLLARS A MONTH on the Iraq and Afganistan war! Think of what we could do to help our own contry if we just used one months worth of money that we are putting into these wars. I think its very sad:( .

03-12-2008, 04:21 PM
i personaly think that war is good if it needs to be done (ww2 and such) but this one was kinda stupid to get into IMO :ermm:

03-12-2008, 04:40 PM
^^ I agree, I think its better to spend money on things that matter more to us than a war.

Heck spend the money on people that dont have anything to eat or have any homes.

I think this war is fubar

03-12-2008, 04:50 PM
ok no disrespect in any way but heres how i see it (and if something sounds wrong point it out) now i do think a war is very necessary, terrorists have to learn that you dont run around doing whatever you want and get away with it, now heres the part i dont really get, every day cops find fugitives with very little money right?, well as much as the government has blown id think theyde find them lowlife ragheads by now.

03-12-2008, 05:35 PM
i strongly belive that if we were not over there they would be here. i have my reasons for beliving this based on all the crap i see every day from over there that 90 percent of you people cant watch or does not get put into the public. yes i do know that there are some places we should not be and we have done somestuff that we should not have, but still for anyone to badmouth theres people should screw off.

03-12-2008, 06:21 PM
i think we just went in there for oil but that never happend they just raised the gas prices on us.

03-12-2008, 07:01 PM
If every man, woman and child/baby had to pay for this war, it would cost over 44,000 dollars for each person in America. Why not give everyone in this country 40,000 dollars instead of killing a bunch of people who we can't even pronounce their names or take it all and give us healthcare and fix out ecomony?

03-12-2008, 07:31 PM
Just from an economical point of view, you can only dream about all the productive stuff that could have been done with the trillion dollars wasted on this war, its a shame that they fired White House economist Lawrence Lindsey instead of listening to him.

03-12-2008, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by ZeroLogic
We invaded the worng country.:ermm:

03-12-2008, 08:59 PM
I know most of you probably have thought of this, and just didn't say it.....but guys, lets not be selfish here and ONLY talk about the money issue. How many good men and women have been killed in this war? Thats what I find to be a bad thing, and then of course, that its costing us a lot of money, and taking a toll on our economy!!! And.....honestly, are we seeing much progress in the last couple of years(since all of the main ones were found, and the new gov't was instilled).??

I'm younger, 23....so I don't have a lot of time to pay attention to the news, but I try when I can. I fully support the troops and what they are doing, don't get me wrong. I'd do it, if I was called on...

03-12-2008, 09:31 PM
This is how i see it all summed up about pulling out now .....your dammed if you do and your dammed if you dont.Either way! so now what?

03-12-2008, 09:37 PM
I agree............................................. ................................................(i strongly belive that if we were not over there they would be here. i have my reasons for beliving this based on all the crap i see every day from over there that 90 percent of you people cant watch or does not get put into the public.)

03-12-2008, 09:40 PM
I think it's obvious we didn't go there for oil. That wouldn't make much since for it to be at an all time high if we are occupying 2 countries over there and knocking on everyone else's door, would it, or am i wrong? Also, if 9/11 wouldn't have happened I dont see us being over there, so thats more proof that we arent there for oil, but for justice. Sometimes I think people forgot how they felt on 9/11, watching America, THE superpower being attacked on its own soil. Innocent civilians lives were taken, thousands of them. At the time everyone was SCREAMING war, now people are just plain getting bored with it because it doesn't directly affect them. Hell yes I support the war.

/ end vent

03-12-2008, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by quads14589
i think we just went in there for oil but that never happend they just raised the gas prices on us.

please explain how when where and who from oil was taken we dont need a war to take there oil we can do it anytime we wanted

03-13-2008, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by m.h.s.c.#527
please explain how when where and who from oil was taken we dont need a war to take there oil we can do it anytime we wanted

Thats like saying you wouldnt fight back if I kicked your arse and stole your quad.:ermm:

03-13-2008, 12:49 PM
i wouldnt if i was 8 years old and 90 pounds and your 25 225 pounds and built cuz that right theres about the matchup between us and iraq

03-13-2008, 06:59 PM
I for one did not forget about 9/11. And tell me thrasher_ex, what in the he!! did Iraq have to do with 9/11? Wait a minute i'll tell you------------------NOTHING! And where are you getting your facts from, because i remember the majority of the U.S.A and the rest of the world saying not to invade Iraq. Britian was backing us, we could invade Canada tomarrow for any dumb reason and the good ole Great Britian would back us. So that means nothing.
Theres NO catch 22, the war in Iraq is wrong!

03-13-2008, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by m.h.s.c.#527
i wouldnt if i was 8 years old and 90 pounds and your 25 225 pounds and built cuz that right theres about the matchup between us and iraq

Yeah and isn't that the blind gung ho attitude that got us all in this mess, man have we showed them not.

03-13-2008, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by m.h.s.c.#527
i wouldnt if i was 8 years old and 90 pounds and your 25 225 pounds and built cuz that right theres about the matchup between us and iraq

8 years old is the perfect height to punch you in the balls. Serious injury...

Compare that to...say, terrorists with nuclear weapons attacking the US. Serious injury.:chinese:

03-13-2008, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by reptikes
I for one did not forget about 9/11. And tell me thrasher_ex, what in the he!! did Iraq have to do with 9/11? Wait a minute i'll tell you------------------NOTHING! And where are you getting your facts from, because i remember the majority of the U.S.A and the rest of the world saying not to invade Iraq. Britian was backing us, we could invade Canada tomarrow for any dumb reason and the good ole Great Britian would back us. So that means nothing.
Theres NO catch 22, the war in Iraq is wrong!

We ALL demanded a war on terrorism. Less than a week after 9/11 Bush said any country that harbors terrorists is a terrorist country, and yeah Iraq has terrorists. We SHOULD be focusing more of our rescources on Bin Laden right now, but thats just not how it is and we can't change it. If we are fighting terrorism, we can't half *** it. Some people would say " but helping them build a gov't isn't fighting terrorism" but if we dont help them become strong it will be worse than when we came as soon as we leave. Im not accusing you, but I can't believe people would think it would be a piece of cake to change how an entire global region has been acting for thousands of years.

03-14-2008, 01:45 AM
Originally posted by thrasher_ex
Some people would say " but helping them build a gov't isn't fighting terrorism" but if we dont help them become strong it will be worse than when we came as soon as we leave. Im not accusing you, but I can't believe people would think it would be a piece of cake to change how an entire global region has been acting for thousands of years.

I can agree with you on that one in a way, i also believe that we made more terrorist in that country by invading it than was already there. Also i do believe that Bush jumped the gun with Iraq. Even if inthe end Iraq has a better goverment than when we went over, we created 3-4 times as many enemys in the Islamic world. Which is now a way bigger threat than we were at 7 years ago.

03-14-2008, 06:23 AM
Originally posted by thrasher_ex
Some people would say " but helping them build a gov't isn't fighting terrorism" but if we dont help them become strong it will be worse than when we came as soon as we leave.

history proves that untrue, look at Korea and Vietnam.. both 'went on' after the US left..

they arent our best friends, but they are far from enemies.

we are in the right region, with the right cause, but in wrong country and it was well known in advance.

03-14-2008, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by <DRS>GPF
history proves that untrue, look at Korea and Vietnam.. both 'went on' after the US left..

they arent our best friends, but they are far from enemies.

we are in the right region, with the right cause, but in wrong country and it was well known in advance.

Well siad.:)