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View Full Version : law offices of james sokolove airing nationwide anti atv ads on fx?

03-10-2008, 09:26 PM
i just saw the 2nd one today, asking have u been in a atv related accident, some models are more prone to roll overs than others like the yamaha rhino

wtf im so sick of this crap, it was on fx by the way...it urks me everytime it comes on

i thought the threats to the manufactuers was done after the cpsc determined atvs didnt have any design flaws that made them unsafe

03-11-2008, 01:40 AM
James Sokolove is just one of those pathetic "ambulance chasing" lawyers. He is running those ads to get people to join a class-action lawsuit. He will then sue Yamaha "on behalf of those people." He will get, for demonstration purposes, say 10 million dollars. He will then take his cut off the top (probably 50-60%) and then divide the rest up among the people that called in and joined the class-action suit. In the end the actual "victim" (and I use victim VERY losely here) will only get a couple hundred dollars. This is what ruins our sport.

03-11-2008, 05:25 AM
I always see his comericals for some weird illness I've never herd of.. I just wish people would see it's the person controling the atv/rhino and causing the accidents..

03-11-2008, 08:03 AM
people like that are just looking to make money. what really gets me is that people go out, do something stupid, hurt themselves, then want to go blame others for their stupidity. its not yamaha's fault if you flip your rhino.

03-11-2008, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by ECOR#8
people like that are just looking to make money. what really gets me is that people go out, do something stupid, hurt themselves, then want to go blame others for their stupidity. its not yamaha's fault if you flip your rhino.

Man, this whole country is like that. People buy cars, boats, Harley's, crotch rockets, ect...and have NO intentions of paying for it. Then they decide to build a house to live in OR sell because they are contractors(out of no where) and get one of those screwed up loans. They build WAY beyond their means, hire the cheapest/****tiest contractors, walk around like they are better than everyone because they have a new house, THEN they can't pay for it anymore when the loans rolls over and can't sell it because its built so half-*** and they lose. There are people out there that are STUPID. They live in a dream world that THEY made up for themselves. Most of the time, they are the people who go buy the $50,000 truck so they look good picking up those 3 chinese quads for their kids and still can't understand why the Honda cost $2500 and theirs only cost $500. Boy, that guy with the Honda 90 sure got screwed.....I got mine for $500. Somehow these people land great jobs and don't have enough sense to get out of the rain. BELIEVE ME, they have hurt a whole lot more than just atving. I had to deal with ONE last year. I was supposed to brick is basement. There was ONE corner that was going to be wood. I told him to get his father-in-law to frame in that corner and I would do it all at one time. He HIRE'S a crew of carpenters ( I didn't know this) and says that wall will be in Thursday. COOL! I go Thursday and it not done. I go back the next day and the WHOLE CREW is there putting the floor plates down OVER the brick ledge. I can't even start on it. The damnedest thing is that he hires the CHEAPEST MOST HALF-ASSED crew he could have. THESE GUYS JUST GOT OUT OF THE PEN a year before. They'd been in there for 7 years. I gave this dude a really cheap price because his wife works with my mom and he completely F'ed it up. Acted like it was my fault. This guy pissed his concrete man off so bad he told him he wouldn't be back until Hell froze over. Then he pulled that same **** with me. HE THINKS HE'S GOING TO BE A CONTRACTOR!!! How stupid can someone be? I am a fairly well know bricklayer around here. Not amongst the pee-ons, but with the people that can really help or hurt someone like this guy. It goes right back to the lawyer. These people think someone owes them something or, they are just a step ahead of every, or God only know what else.

03-12-2008, 08:13 AM
its sad really, that theres some people out there working for a living, then theres people who cant stand even the thought of working, and making an honest dollar. this country's going to hell.

03-12-2008, 10:02 AM
This is the problem right here: People have decided they are no longer responsible for their own actions!! Someone else is always at fault, no matter what.

Sure I tried to do a sharp turn at 50 on my Rhino, but it's Yamaha's fault it flipped because it's a "design flaw". It's their fault, and my stupidity had nothing to do with it! :rolleyes:

03-12-2008, 01:57 PM
Ride at YOUR own damn RISK.

03-12-2008, 04:36 PM
that commercial is so stupid! Im gonna sue suzuki just becasue one hit me at the last race and flipped me. It wasnt the other riders fault or mine. GOD I HATE PEOPLE WHO THINK LIKE THAT

03-12-2008, 05:59 PM
thats nutiing. i'm sueing honda because the paint on my frame came off and casued my motor to blow up and i got 2 1 inch scraths

03-14-2008, 10:16 PM
haha me and my dad been causin tehm some problems tonite we ahve been pranking them for three hours haha they are worthless pieces of crap i suggest we have a atvriders prank a thon and shut them down.....