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View Full Version : 400ex Exhaust

11-20-2002, 02:00 PM
HI, I don't want to start a war here (cuz i know everybody praises what they own) but I would like to know.........

Which Slip on Silencer makes the most HP?


Which complete pipe & silencer combo makes the most HP?

The bike is a stock 400ex with a K&N filter.


11-20-2002, 02:02 PM
I like my E-series, but I haven't tried anything else.

11-20-2002, 02:05 PM
everyone will say engine builders pipes make the most horsepower but they also make the most noise. If u race that is fine but if u do trails and riding where people are around stay with a quieter exhaust. I have heard good things about sparks, HMF, TC, White bros...etc

11-20-2002, 02:09 PM
Im very convinced HMF is one of the best for non modded engines! I also like the power of Pro Circuit. Good low end grunt!

11-20-2002, 02:10 PM
Thanks guys........

The noise is not an issue, the louder the better if it makes the most HP.

Are you guys running header and slipon or just a slip on?

Are header pipes worth the money or do slips on pack enough power?

How much more would I gain with header and slip on?

On the pipe reviews who makes the most HP?

11-20-2002, 02:16 PM
Full system Sparks, slip-on White brothers e series

11-20-2002, 02:38 PM
I run a stock header, with a TC tail section. I love it!! It looks awesome, and sounds better!! I dont htink slipons are worth the money unless u have some engine work done. The TCs are expensive, but they ROCK! But the HMFs are still a great slipon

11-20-2002, 02:57 PM
Here are some of the reviews that Magazines have put out and tested...

Review 1 (http://www.atvnews.com/output.cfm?id=30961)

Review 2 (http://www.ctracing.com/PD_ct%20photos/dirt_wheels_march_2001.htm)

Dyno Wars (http://www.dirtwheelsmag.com/detail.asp?id=181)

DGR Designs
11-20-2002, 03:27 PM
good slip-on well i aggree everyone praises what they own but i have an R-4 and it looks really good and has a good sound (too loud for anything besides racing tho) but you could mate it with a FMF powerbomb and have an awesome system

11-20-2002, 03:41 PM
i've read that nothing touches sparks pipes, does anybody know the specs on their pipes?

Total HP?
4k rpm HP?
3500 rpm HP?

HOw do they compare to the others. I'm thinking of a x-6 pipe.


11-20-2002, 04:32 PM
Here is the test that shows the dyno on a few pipes and slip-ons. In all of the test that i have seen, the full sparks is the best. T-4 for stock engine and T-6 for moded engines. The white Brothers e-series slip-on comes in 2nd most of the time. I had a sparks on a stock engine, but was to loud. sold it to get the WB e. The e was just a little slower by the seat of the pants test, but it was very close and half the noise. Had a Big Gun and FMF and did not like them, no power compared to the other 2. All 4 were on the same 400. Now I have the WB on my 440 with the stock headpipe with the welds cut out or cleaned up.

11-20-2002, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by tprender
Here is the test that shows the dyno on a few pipes and slip-ons. In all of the test that i have seen, the full sparks is the best. T-4 for stock engine and T-6 for moded engines. The white Brothers e-series slip-on comes in 2nd most of the time. I had a sparks on a stock engine, but was to loud. sold it to get the WB e. The e was just a little slower by the seat of the pants test, but it was very close and half the noise. Had a Big Gun and FMF and did not like them, no power compared to the other 2. All 4 were on the same 400. Now I have the WB on my 440 with the stock headpipe with the welds cut out or cleaned up.

i think u mean x-4 and x-6

AC 400 ex 02
11-20-2002, 04:55 PM
sparks full system is sweet, and the LRD seems to be pretty nice also and HMF

11-20-2002, 06:02 PM
I don't mind the noise.

I can get a complete WB pipe for 394 (with tax) from my honda dealer is there anywhere else that's cheaper then that?

I can only get the Sparks x-6 stainlessfor about 575(thats with tax and shipping)

Is the sparks worth the money over the WB Pipe?

11-20-2002, 07:09 PM
I don't think so. If you can get a deal like that for a e-series full system, go for it I love mine. Sparks makes a little more power, but not much and I wouldn't pay the extra for what sparks makes if you could get a deal like that on a e-series.

11-21-2002, 07:19 AM
you can get the sparks for 489 on his site. get the x-6 either way just check the site out.

11-21-2002, 07:31 AM
There are some site having just the WB slip-on for $200 and use your stock head pipe. The Sparks and the LRD I think are the same system with different names plates if you look close at them. If not they are very c;ose to the same.

11-21-2002, 07:38 AM
a e-series full system is too much for a stock motor. get a slip on e-series. i have the pro meg but i also have a cam and 416 high comp piston. i had the full exhaust before the motor and it took power awy up top. gained some down low though

Sportrax 400EX
11-21-2002, 10:55 AM
This site may help you some:


11-21-2002, 12:21 PM
thanks for the info everybody