View Full Version : Regular maintnace required that much??

03-06-2008, 02:37 PM
I was looking at the outlaw manual so i could see the maintnace before i actually bought it and some of the stuff like oil has to be changed like every 15 hours. I wont race mine just mainly trail ride. I was wondering if you really have to change the oil and filters and such that often? When i ride with my friends i can do 15 hours in two days so i was like WOW! How often do you people change oil and your regular maintnance?

03-06-2008, 02:49 PM
I clean my air filter every time i ride.
I change oil and filter every two to three hours of ride time
you dont have to change your oil that often if your not riding much or hard but i would definately change it every 10 hours at least.

Definately clean your air filter every chance you get.

03-06-2008, 08:20 PM
I understand the cleaning of filters and stuff but actually changing your oils and oil filters every 15 hours seems like a lot especialy not being revved high at all times when you dont race it.

03-08-2008, 08:17 PM
I clean my air filter after every ride or race for the most part, sometimes every other ride depending on dust etc.

I change the oil about every 3-5 tanks of gas give or take.

Check the valves every month or 2

You dont really need to go by the book persay but a well kept machine is a happy one, and will serve you. If you neglect it chances are it will quit pleasing you eventually lol :eek2:

03-16-2008, 11:18 PM
i change mine after 2 rides i got the ktm 525 and the oil in the motor is it there is no external tank that you fill and helps to cool the oil change it and change it often cheaper to change the oil then rebuild a motor one thing about motorsports it dont matter what it is the only thing it has in common is its expensive

03-17-2008, 12:02 AM
^^^^^ Got that right. No matter what bike you ride one things for sure it will take your $$$$