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View Full Version : Another scammer story...

03-05-2008, 05:31 PM
Well, recently I had my PSP on craigslist advertising that I clearly wanted to trade it for an Xbox 360 or PS3 only. I made it clear I didn't want to sell it.

Well, a couple days later, I got an email. The email name was "Mrs Debra Cosby"
She wrote:


I replied back and wrote that I still had it, and only wanted to sell it. I said I wasn't going to trade it.
Soon after, I got another email. She basically said that she will spend a sum of $400 for the item and send a USPS money order for it. She said she needed it for her daughters wedding...wtf:confused:
It was typed like a scammer usually types also.

Well, the wedding thing already had me wondering. Who would buy a used PSP thats so far away for someones wedding? The money order I knew was fake too.

So I replied to her and said that I would gladly sell it for $400 (being thats alot for a PSP) and that I would only accept paypal because of all the scams lately.

Well of course, I never got a message back.

I just emailed her back right now, basically cursing her and all scammers out with every bad word known to man. I said how ill be laughing when shes in the hot place for ripping off some poor family. (of course I said it alot meaner than that)

So yeah, im tired of these people thinking they're gonna catch a class A sucker that'll fall for their trick. I told em off and its sad they most likely wont stop anyway....:ermm:

03-05-2008, 05:46 PM
I effing hate scammers.

03-05-2008, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by kawiefan
I effing hate scammers.

tell me about it.....:grr: :mad: :grr: :mad: :scary:

03-05-2008, 08:44 PM
a couple years ago i listed my dirtbike on ebay a liil ds 80

i had a buy it now of 700 bucks

some scammer sent me an email saying he would send a MO for something like 2200 bucks, told me i was to keep the 700 and then pay the guy that came to pick it up the rest


and like he said...the way it was written you could just tell