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View Full Version : Is it just me or has this website really changed?

11-20-2002, 10:54 AM
...I've noticed since kenny & leo left and even before that, that this website is really no longer fun..., i mean like, there are no little arguments amung people for fear of being banned, no one really to pick on because we are afraid of being banned. I think being this strict brings down the site. i mean when you were kid, would you rather play at the strict old mans house or at your uncles that let you get away with things. Do yall get what im sayin? Most people come o this place to shoot the bull & have some fun after work. not have the same rules as work. Its just not as fun anymore... Do any of you guys agree? Maybe thats why most of the people are leaving? i dont know just my 2 cents...

11-20-2002, 10:58 AM
If you don't like it then leave. The little argurments are the reason people like Kenny leave. !

11-20-2002, 11:05 AM
First off, a lot of people are in school, so the number of posts automatically decrease because of that.

Having a little fun and shootin' the bull used to be just fine, but "some" people on the board aren't mature enough to handle the leniency, so they go overboard with inappropriate material and language and personal attacks on other members. If people would not flame others and just have some decency, then things would be different, but it's obvious that some people feel the need to be jerks and hide behind the anonymity of the internet.

If some people could control themselves, things would be different, but it's obvious that has not been the case. It's sad, but an extremely small percentage of people doing this crap ruins it for everyone. Also, the shark feeding that goes on contributes as well. It's like the old saying (not to mention a board rule), "if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything."

11-20-2002, 11:28 AM
im not leaving, & i never said i didnt like this website... but its just not as fun. kenny didnt leave because of the little arguments. he left because this site is getting boring im tellin you. i could be wrong but this site is slowly wideling away...even though it was & partly still is a great site.

11-20-2002, 11:53 AM
i didnt leave....i said i wouldnt be on as much. as i explained in another post....it will seem a lil dull if youve seen it all before...but just wait an hour...something always pops up!!!

yes...i had a probem with a certain person....it was my decision to leave. i did it for the good of the site....nothing more. i still browse the site....and i will post when and where its needed. i have almost no free time ...atleast for the short term....do to work.

please....do not cause trouble or get upset that i have stated i wont be here. its not permanate i can assure you. i posted that post to let everyone know where i was.

the rules needed to be enforced...fairly and without regard to what member broke a rule. some lessons are learned the hard way.....life is like that.

anyway......just chill out.....do something constructive with the free time you have and enjoy life....it goes by to fast to sweat the lil stuff:)

11-20-2002, 12:05 PM
No Comment :eek:

11-20-2002, 12:07 PM

11-20-2002, 12:08 PM
Castor, I prefer the one's with lotion. My nose gets dry when I have to blow it so much.

11-20-2002, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by Castor-400ex

11-20-2002, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by HoNdAdude48
...I've noticed since kenny & leo left and even before that, that this website is really no longer fun..., i mean like, there are no little arguments amung people for fear of being banned, no one really to pick on because we are afraid of being banned. I think being this strict brings down the site. i mean when you were kid, would you rather play at the strict old mans house or at your uncles that let you get away with things. Do yall get what im sayin? Most people come o this place to shoot the bull & have some fun after work. not have the same rules as work. Its just not as fun anymore... Do any of you guys agree? Maybe thats why most of the people are leaving? i dont know just my 2 cents...

You have to realize this ins't your house. Would you act like a idiot in someone elses house, and then expect not to get in trouble.

11-20-2002, 12:59 PM

11-20-2002, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by Doibugu2
Castor, I prefer the one's with lotion. My nose gets dry when I have to blow it so much.

when you blow what so much?? lmfao im mesin wit ya....

11-20-2002, 01:09 PM
Some people are just way too uptight. All though I do understand there is a fine line between having the site be fun but credible, and having it become a total train wreck.

11-20-2002, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by HoNdAdude48
...I've noticed since kenny & leo left and even before that, that this website is really no longer fun..., i mean like, there are no little arguments amung people for fear of being banned, no one really to pick on because we are afraid of being banned. I think being this strict brings down the site. i mean when you were kid, would you rather play at the strict old mans house or at your uncles that let you get away with things. Do yall get what im sayin? Most people come o this place to shoot the bull & have some fun after work. not have the same rules as work. Its just not as fun anymore... Do any of you guys agree? Maybe thats why most of the people are leaving? i dont know just my 2 cents...

Just let me know when it gets too painful to bear by coming to this boring website and I will help see to it that the paperwork gets processed to send you on your way.....:devil

11-20-2002, 02:20 PM
r u startin with me :macho

11-20-2002, 02:48 PM
I bet hondadud eats hims boogers

with posts like this one it really makes you wonder..

11-20-2002, 02:50 PM
Just let me know when it gets too painful to bear by coming to this boring website and I will help see to it that the paperwork gets processed to send you on your way.....

Yep, We'll be sure to get you a full refund as well :)

11-21-2002, 10:29 AM
dude i never said this website sucked or i didnt like it yall need to chill out. damn yall can turn anything into an insult... i dont believe i said anywhere that this website boring. i just wanna come on here and have fun. some of you guys that posted stuff on this thread havent been a member as long as me so you dont even know what this site was like. :huh i just dont see why yall all took affense to what i said??? to me its not the same as it used to be??? guess its just me but its not as fun.

11-21-2002, 10:35 AM
I haven't really noticed, but I don't frequent here as much as usual, my workload has increased the past few weeks, and I have a life outside of this website.:rolleyes:

11-21-2002, 11:09 AM
no crap buddy we all do, but when i come here its just not as fun as it used to be

11-21-2002, 11:24 AM
try Z400 central or bluetraxx, i frequent all three every day.

11-21-2002, 11:51 AM
you kid'n me! lol im not gonna ride nothin but a honda!

11-21-2002, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by HoNdAdude48
...I've noticed since kenny & leo left and even before that, that this website is really no longer fun..., i mean like, there are no little arguments amung people for fear of being banned, no one really to pick on because we are afraid of being banned. I think being this strict brings down the site. i mean when you were kid, would you rather play at the strict old mans house or at your uncles that let you get away with things. Do yall get what im sayin? Most people come o this place to shoot the bull & have some fun after work. not have the same rules as work. Its just not as fun anymore... Do any of you guys agree? Maybe thats why most of the people are leaving? i dont know just my 2 cents... All members should post according to the 7 rules at the bottom of every forum page. If you don't follow those rules than you should be fearful of being banned. Those rules aren't intolerable and a vast majority of our members follow them everyday with no trouble. It's the handful of people that want to ignore them that cause the problems. Arguments on this board are fine as long as you're not personally attacking someone and you're arguing with facts (see Rule #3). Petty squabbling and personal attacks is what draws the attention of the moderators (see Rule #1). You're also complaining about not being able to pick on someone. Have you ever thought that is what actually degrades this site? Targeting a certain member and picking on them is not what this site needs. We all do harmless needling of each other but we don't maliciously attack other members. Ben and all the moderators promote having fun on this site as long as it doesn't get out of hand. As far as the comment about people leaving this site lately, that's simply not true. I was just telling Ben 2 days ago that in 5 days this site gained over 50 new members. That's 10 members a day! That's not exactly a "dead" site?! I can tell you that any other forum owner would die to have that kind of membership growth rate! Kenny is going to be posting on a more limited schedule given his new responsibilities at work and the reason for his initial departure had nothing to do with the site becoming boring. I'd still have him do my PC'ing;)

11-21-2002, 12:04 PM
:o yep, well there ya have it folks

11-21-2002, 12:19 PM
again let me give you the universal sign for Wahhhhhhhhh

11-21-2002, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by Castor-400ex
again let me give you the universal sign for Wahhhhhhhhh

now um why exactly would you need that cause if you crying i really don't think that you gonna have problems with dry eyes:huh

11-21-2002, 12:47 PM
no more tears man....its the meaning not the use...after crying hes gonna have red eyes visine gets the ****ing red out

11-21-2002, 12:47 PM
oops wrong visine too oh well

11-22-2002, 10:40 AM
dude where do yall get this? i dont want to call out people and make fun of them! im just sayin things are changing on this site, i just miss the way it used to be i guess. oh well guess its time to move on

11-22-2002, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by HoNdAdude48
...i mean like, there are no little arguments amung people for fear of being banned, no one really to pick on because we are afraid of being banned.That's where we get that.