View Full Version : spuddering problem plz help

03-01-2008, 10:33 AM
whenever i have my choke off and start riding it spits and spudders at half throttle or more but it runs perfectly fine when i have the choke on please help thanks

03-08-2008, 10:58 AM
An engine needs a certain amount of fuel, and a certain amount of air to run properly. For every particle of fuel you have, you need just about 15 (14.7) particles of air.
When you choke the engine you take away air. This is compensating for a lack of fuel.
You have 3 circuits in your carburetor.
The pilot jet, which controls from an idle up to 1/4 throttle
The needle is 1/4-3/4 throttle,
and your main jet controls 3/4 to full throttle.

Most likely, you have a clogged main Jet, and your carb needs cleaning.. ;)

03-08-2008, 01:37 PM
hey,thanks for the help appreciate it alot. i didnt know what the problem was. Thanks