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View Full Version : snorkel info for 07 brute force 650 sra

02-28-2008, 02:08 PM
i have a 07 brute 650 sra and im wanting to put a snorkel on it my self' im just wondering how hard it is to do and how many tubes do i need to use? the way the factory box is set up it looks like i can use one tube for the air box and one tube for the belt' but i see alot of guys have three tubes and im wondering do i need the extra tube? any input will be appreciated from you guys thanks

05-17-2008, 06:24 PM
Its not hard to snorkel I would recommend using flex pipe instead of pvc it eaiser to work with. The reason for three tubs is to snorkel your belt which on is to suck air the other snorkel blows out out air. And one snorkel for you air box. I hope this helps out