View Full Version : 350x engine

02-27-2008, 11:24 PM
What do i all need to make a 350x engine work in my 250x i found a brand new never ran 350x engine from a school i can get it for 275 bucks:eek: i know you have to make new mounts and the exhaust but what do i have to do as far as wiring? I heard the 250x wiring will run it? any info will be helpful.

02-29-2008, 10:03 AM
powroll makes an exhaust, http://www.powroll.com/P_HONDA_CONVERSIONKIT.htm

they also have the whole kit to drop it in, using your wiring and carb.

I dont think the mounts ned changed at all, one needs spacers and the rest line up I think.

02-29-2008, 12:43 PM
the upper rear mount needs about 2 1/4" removed. the bottem front needs about a 1" spacer on the left side and a 1/4" on the right. its a pretty simple swap. a stock 350x engine isnt really all that powerful. its the aftermarket combos that really get it.