View Full Version : National race in FL GNCC

02-24-2008, 09:02 PM
How many of you Florida guys are gonna go and represent those DRR's at the GNCC national ? I hope Gary is going to make an appearance with the G-force crew ! You Florida guys dont many National caliber races that you can get to in a few hours, hope to see a great turn out , good luck to all.

02-25-2008, 07:15 AM
im not sure just yet i think it may conflict with our state series we run ill have to check the dates cant remember if its the same weekend or before or after, we would love to go, how many of you out of staters are comin to sunny florida for the race?


humboldt hills
02-25-2008, 07:55 AM
We got a Southern Ohio Off Road girl comin down in the 90 lim 12-15 by the name of Kamren Bobb. It will be her first Gncc.

02-25-2008, 08:40 PM
i m goint to see if my son wants to he is new to racing and im not sure if he can handle it he's just turned 9 in december. has been to about 6-7 races here in florida. any tips or set up help would be apreciated. running stock appearing 90 class in the sqssa. what class would he be in the gncc? thanks alex

02-26-2008, 07:20 AM
Best advice is to lock tight every nut & bolt. These races run over some tough stuff, nothing the little guy's can't handle. Just tell him it's a fun trail ride that will last 1 hour.
There is a 90 limited, no manuel clutch, class, 8-11.
For more info go to WWW.GNCCRACING.COM
Good luck