View Full Version : Animal Search and Rescue

02-21-2008, 05:49 PM
Alright guys, I'm between jobs right now and thought of something I'd really love to do.

Well first of all I cannot wait till I'm 21 to be a fireman cuz in my town you got to be 21 to be one so I love that kind of stuff

So I was thinking, I would love to do Animal Search and Rescue. Around here a horse fell in an iced over lake and my buddy the vet had to get him out, it was a HUGE ordeal, and there was a deer that got caught in a tire swing, the cops were way to scared to go help it, I deffinetly would have, and my buddy vet went and tranquilized it and let it go.

Is there an organization that does this around the St. Louis area?

If not I was just wondering about being a office person at the vet and then everytime the vets went out on a call whether it was to give a shot to a cow or rescue an animal I'd go out with him whenever he went to a call outside of the clinic.

Any ideas?

02-21-2008, 05:56 PM
Animals need saving worse than people do.

People can help themselves. Animals cant.

I say go for it. The world needs more people like you man.:)

02-21-2008, 06:07 PM
i love animals:)

i can't help you in any way, but i do love animals