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View Full Version : Do what you can, please look

02-21-2008, 07:50 AM
saw a commercial advertising this on the TV today. Looks like another attack on our sport is in the works, we need to stand up and take notice.

This attorney is looking for people who have been injured in a Yamaha Rhino. This can become a snow ball in that if this Davis character is successful other lawyers may travel the same road and the whole sport can do a late 80's early 90's tail spin.

J Robert Davis


Do what you can.

02-21-2008, 08:32 AM
i saw a commercial like this that said "if your a victim of rhino rollover" but the better terms may be "if your rhino is a victim of your riding" :D but i usually dismiss commercials and for that matter people like this whos job sucks so much they feel like they have to make others pay for it, in a few months theyll be new commercials pop up with these same people trying to get you to sue mattel and the entire chinese government over lead paint.

02-21-2008, 08:48 AM
I can understand people being so ignorant to want to sue for not having enough sense to ride something but its the judges that have the last word that lets this crap become what it has. Sometimes I think I want to join in on the fun. I'm gonna sue Playboy for carpal tunnel in my right wrist, Huffy for all the times I wound my shoestring around the pedals and busted my balls on the downtube, Copenhagen for all the holes in my left back pockets, Cosmopolitan magazine for all my breakups and Budwieser for a bad case of dickie-do.