View Full Version : I'm addicted to PowderCoat

02-19-2008, 05:30 AM
Pappy can you give me a price to coat my mountain bike frame Granny Smith Green? And just for thought could you give me a price to fade from front to back Granny Smith Green to Mirror Black. The frame is made of 7075 Aluminum. Thanks ahead for your reply bro.

All yeah I'll be sending you pics of the 450 soon. We just finished up the motor build at Motorama and are finally mounting up the last few things. The graphics will be here this week so hopefully if all goes well she may be done this weekend and we'll update your finished build section with something new and purty.

02-19-2008, 06:19 AM
wow a challenge:p

i usually charge like $85 for a mountain bike frame, less or more depending on colors and what its coated in now etc. but for you $85 would work even though you want it done in some super duper special fancy shmancy color:blah:

good to see your build is almost complete, timing is about right as well, wont be long we will all be riding again!