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View Full Version : Any Problems with the 08's like the 06 and 07 had?

02-18-2008, 10:10 PM
I'm looking to buy a new quad in the summer and I can't decide between the DS,KFX and the LTR. I really want the LTR but after reading all of the problems that the 06 and 07 had its making me not want one. But I know that they are faster and stuff this year and it shows after watching watching videos. But I'm getting into racing and the LTR seems to be more up my allie its just that I hear so much about the tranny wines and stuff and having to install a shift pin relocator and stuff. So any input on this would help me decide what 450's right for me. Thanx alot and I hope to hear you guys input that have the 08's.

02-19-2008, 05:07 PM
dont know anything about the can-ams but the kfx450s seem to be a hit or miss. some are goods and some are not, ive heard of lots of motor problems but i have not experienced this for myself so i can not say for myself. the ltr is an awsome machine ready to go out of the box. the shift pin relocator prevents costly case damange when landing on the shifter. as for the tranny whine alot of them seem to do it, goes away after awhile and some people add an extra 200ml to compensate. good luck with your decision but my votes for the ltr:D

02-19-2008, 06:31 PM
my friend got a kawi450 rate when they came out. the fist day he had it the cdi box fried and so the quad would not spark. a new computer and it was fine. i met a guy at a track and he did not care for his much said it vibrated alot. they dont handel to great either. i love my 08 se ltr450 it jumps and cornes awsome has lot of power low to top even more with the cherry bomb mod. i also might look into the new ktm450

02-19-2008, 06:45 PM
Thanx for the input guys and I hope to hear more. I love how theres 7 450's to choose from now but i only like the ltr,ds and the kfx. I have heard a good many compalints about the kfx's though. And I know that the 06 and 07 ltr's weren't as fast as the 08's are because I watched that video on the forums of chris borich and jogn natalie racing and borich was in the lead almost the entire time and borich isn't the one that races motocross and he was killing in the video. I love how the ltr looks and all of the stuff that I'm hearing about the 08's and I'll prob. end up getting either the ltr or ds because the kfx is at the bottom of my list. Hope to hear some more stuff about these quads to help make me decide.

02-19-2008, 06:53 PM
Thanx for the input guys and I hope to hear more. I love how theres 7 450's to choose from now but i only like the ltr,ds,kfx and the ktm, but the ktm is outta my price range. I have heard a good many compalints about the kfx's though like you guys are saying And I know that the 06 and 07 ltr's weren't as fast as the 08's are because I watched that video on the forums of chris borich and john natalie racing and borich was in the lead almost the entire time and borich isn't the one that races motocross and he was killing in the video. I love how the ltr looks and all of the stuff that I'm hearing about the 08's. I'll prob end up getting either the ltr or ds because the kfx is at the bottom of my list,the only thing that i like about the kfx is that it has reverse and that comes in handy and times. Hope to hear some more stuff about these quads to help me decide, especially about the ltr's and ds's. :macho

02-20-2008, 12:08 AM
I wouldn't make a decision from watching racing videos. The quads you see the pros riding are about as far from stock as possible. You're talking about a $7000 quad turned into a $20,000 racer plus they are professional riders.

Anyways, I'd go with the LTR as well if you are considering it against the KFX and DS. I do not have personal experience with KFX or DS but hear mixed reviews. Both quads seem to be good attempts and are good at everything but great at nothing. The KFX especially needs suspension help because it wants to wander back and forth rather than holding a straight line. I also hear that even with internal engine mods they are still not that fast compared to the LTR's and the TRX's. My biggest gripe against the DS is the looks followed by the frame design. I have also heard that like the KFX, you may get a great one or you may get a lemon.

02-20-2008, 02:22 PM
wow i was just wondering around the forums and found this and its a good thing i did, here i have a kfx and without an ounce of trouble for 9 months i now find out its a ticking timebomb,... hmmmm...., but as for the initial post truth be told i was set to get an ltr till i found the kfx for the same price and i was more impressed with it for my mainly trail riding so i jumped on it so either one is a cant miss but im still not sure on a ds i know somebody with one and while i am impressed with design and stuff i havent really seen it in action because this dude sucks at riding (a rich kid whos dad has too much money, you get the picture). jmo

02-20-2008, 08:53 PM
thanx for the replys they help, its just so hard to decide espicially when your spending 5,500(left over) to the new one up to 7,500 and up. I'm just trying to look into the top three that I like and narrow it down to one. Keep the posts comin!!!

02-22-2008, 09:39 AM
it depends a lot on how much money you have, and how serious you are with racing. if your just lookign to get into racing and dont have thousands of dollars to spend for suspension, the LTR is definatly your best bet. 50 inches out of the box, throw on a cherry bomb and your all set. ive seen someone with a stock ltr with some tires and handlebars, win a pro class here in NEATV. if you get a kfx, yes there great machines (from what ive seen) but then you have to go spend 2 or 3 grand on suspension. and like these other guys are saying, a modded kawi is putting out the same HP numbers as a stock ltr with cherry bomb. i had a modded yfz for 2 seasons in C and B class. i got on my girlfriends STOCK ltr and felt faster than i ever did on my yami. get on an ltr, you wont regret it.

02-22-2008, 01:54 PM
thanx for the input hurd88 and it also makes alot of sense. I would of never considered buying an 06 or 07 ltr because of all the tranny crap and the shocks sucked from what i heard,but now its the quad to beat. I've been talking to Chad Weinen on myspace the last few days and this is what we were talking bout:

REPLY: Yeah bro it is a lot more useable power! Better low end and still has the top end pull too!

QUESTION: thanx for the info chad and it means alot to me. But I also heard that the 08 motors are faster this year is that true? and have you noticed a difference between last years and this years 450 power wise? Hope to hear back from you soon Congrats to suzuki for its 25th aniversary for being on four wheels first and thanx again,

REPLY: Honestly no. I am really easy on tranny's because i use the clutch all the time... Suzuki is the way to go!

QUESTION: I'm getting a new quad soon and I can't decide between the ltr,kfx or the ds and I hear that they all have problems like all quads do lol, but i heard that the trannys are breaking on the ltr's so that makes me not want to get one,but then I see what you do on it and it makes me want it so, my question is have you ever had the tranny problems like have you had to install a shifting pin relocater or have you had any tranny break on you or has anybody on your team? I'd appreciate it if you could get back to me on my questions because it will really help me decide. ttyl hope to hear back from you soon about my questions.


Thanx again guys and keep the reply's coming because thur helping me decide. most likly I will get the 08 or 09 LTR though just because I love the exhaust engine,factory racers and suzuki in general but with 7 different 450's out thur its hard to decide. Is it a good idea to wait till the 09 came out or buy a left over? Left overs are cheaper buy a grand or two and the 09's will be better than ever,but I hear that usually most of the new model years have problems and you should always wait till thur out for a month or two,is that what you guys think? I kinda don't believe that. ttyl

02-22-2008, 02:49 PM
Just so you know, its not the quad making the rider go fast, Its the Rider making the quad go..................I have a 2006 yfz and a 2007 ltr, lets just say the yfz has been lonley in the garage.

02-22-2008, 03:20 PM
I know that yellow RR but the rider also needs the speed to win:p :huh and the LTR seems to be that type of quad that has the speed and I can learn how to be its rider:D and yah after having a yfz and ltr I'd leave the yfz in the garage to lol

02-22-2008, 09:29 PM
Hey, if you think the shifter pin relocator is a big deal its not.

I think there right around $100, and if you have a couple tools, and common sence anyone can do it. It also comes with detailed intructions.

02-22-2008, 11:09 PM
ya thats what i heard and I read a thread on the LTR 450 Central were a guy has full pictures of how to install it and boy are they detailed. I just ain't sure how much they are. BUt if I get the LTR and happen to run into that problem I know were to look. thanx for the input REDrider

03-02-2008, 06:11 PM
C'mon 08 LTR owners I know your out there, you guys haveing any problems yet and how long have you had yours? I hope to get this thread jump started again lol. Any info you have on the 08's is helpfull even if its your friends that has problems post um plz.

03-02-2008, 10:35 PM
I have two 08 LTRs...one of them has about 7 hrs on it and no problems yet. The other one has about 5 hrs on it, and its at the dealership with serious transmission problems. Haven't heard what exactly is wrong yet...but from what I heard, felt, and saw...something went horribly wrong inside the transmission. I will post once I get word from dealer on what exactly happened.

03-03-2008, 07:24 AM
no tranny changes on the 08, they have a bit more power tho

03-03-2008, 01:31 PM
thanx guys and sorry to hear about your LTR NOR CAL 131. But thats just what I was waiting to hear about, info on the 08's tranny issues if they got them fixed or not. please post again like you said when you find out from the dealer what happened.

03-03-2008, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by extremejrowe
no tranny changes on the 08, they have a bit more power tho

Actually there some changes to the transmission, along with a host of other slight changes on the ltr450.

Heres a partial quote from a thread on ********.

The QuadRacer R450 tranny always felt a bit mediocre in the past, with a large neutral and slightly notchy feel being the biggest complaints. For 2008, Suzuki updated the overall transmission with new gears, shift forks, and shifting mechanism for a more positive and smoother feel. The new transmission shifted better under a load and we did not experience any issues with a false neutral between the transition from first to second.

So far mine has about 9 hours on it and seems to be running well.

03-03-2008, 08:18 PM
thanx 074 and I heard about most of the stuff they changed for 08 and they seem to be for the better but as time goes by we'll see what happens.