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View Full Version : Cardio Stack TTS

02-18-2008, 07:56 AM
I know I have raved about many product in the past. I only share the info with you guys so that you are informed of the success of the products I use.

I contacted Jasen about a month ago about the Cardio Stack TTS system. I had hit a plateau with my weight loss and energy level. For those of you that don't know me well. I eat very good foods and for the most part stick to a diet plan that I have had for years. Phil's training program really helped me out last year with the fitness part of my training & shredded quite a few pounds off last year. I just didn't have the energy I needed to train as hard as I should & to carry on every day.....I was popping Cradio stack like tic- tacs just to feel decent ............I was just tired of being tired.

Jasen Sent me an E-mail questionnaire. I filled it out and consulted with him a few times about foods I like & dislike. He informed me about how different blood types should eat certain foods & how some foods are even toxic to your system. I was skeptical at first. A few days later I received a diet plan that had me eating like a horse..... I Was amazed alot of the food that are supposed to be "good for you" were not good for my blood type. I called J and told him he and Steve were nuts...I was gonna get fat eating this much food....... He calmed me and told me to trust him.

I will be buffalo Pete he was right.( for the first time) After only a few days my energy was extreme... I was explosive in the gym and on the trail....Man I still cant believe it. I am losing weight again and feel like a 20 year old again. (now if TTS just gave face lifts)

I know some of you are saying ..."He's sponsored by the Cardio stack"....Well If this didn't work I wouldn't have said a word.... I have been sticking to my diet plan & using the supplements supplied by TTS & man what a great thing...Along with Phil's program this can make anyone feel like a champion.