View Full Version : race tips

02-15-2008, 09:47 AM
hey, im just wonderin if some of you racers would share some tips for us rookies. i consider myself a pretty good rider but ive only raced a few small races and im racin full time in 2008.
some ppl have told me to prevent arm pump when shifting don't use the clutch when either up or down shifting, can't remember which one

so ya any tips would be awesome im not askin for any top secrets just general tips, like tips for starts, jumps, whoops, stuff like that

02-15-2008, 10:20 AM
wearing green nail polish reduces arm pump j/k thats from the movie Motocrossed.

Anyways dont be drinking soda because you will get cramps and arm pump. Jumps just know how fast to go and know what comes next on the track. Whoops the faster you go the smoother they are

02-15-2008, 10:24 AM
**tips for preventing arm pump**
-you need lots of potassium before you race, eat bananas, drink powerade
-when your jumping loosin your grip in the air
-remind yourself to breathe(very important!!)
-stay well hydrated, drink a gallon of water the day before, eat a good meal the night before. and eat healthy snacks the day of the race.
-stay away from energy drinks!! they make arm pump worse.
dont ever shift without the clutch. thats really bad for your engine lol

**tips for starts**
-dont dump the clutch, let it out easy
-dont just pin the throttle, give it about half or 3/4 throttle(so you dont just spin your tires) then as you come out of the gate PIN IT! haha
-sit forward on the gate, as you come out lean back as far as you can and speedshift(shifting while never letting of the throttle *the start is the only time you should ever speed shift*)

**tips for jumping**
-never sit down when you hit a jump(unless your trying to seat bounce)
-if your a beginner dont try and jump all the biggest jumps. work your way up from smaller to bigger.

**tips for whoops**
-whoops vary from track to track. but i like to try and find the smoothest line through them.
-lean back when you go through them

**tips for passing**
-always keep an eye out for an opening to get passed someone. dont be shy to force your way in and push them out. theyre not going to let you pass right by so be aggressive.
-alot of people tend to take the outside so be aware when you can take the inside and block pass them.

**For the First Lap try and take mostly inside lines because everyone is usually still bunched up and riders havent started to spread out**

hope that helps so go out and get some seat time now