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View Full Version : DS450 Ride Report (Not impressed W/ power)

02-15-2008, 09:07 AM
My last quad was a YFZ450, but I had to sell it over a year ago when I moved across the country for a new job. Now that I am settled, I went out to buy my toys... After some research I decided that I wanted the DS 450 X. I went and picked it up at the dealer a week or two ago. While I was there I noticed a left over 2006 YFZ SE on which the dealer offered me a deal I couldn't pass up. ...So I bought them both (and a trailer). I figured it would be nice to have a machine my friends could ride because I don't have any "atv friends" here yet.

Yesterday I was able to put a few hours on each machine. I rode the DS 450 1st. My initial thought was that it felt under powered. I tried to keep in mind that the YFZ I had previously owned was slightly modded ( Exhaust, Jetting, Airbox, Air filter ), but I figured that since i hadn't ridden anything in over a year, I would probably be blown away by the power, and I just wasn't. I will say that (once I got used to the difference in ergonomics from the YFZ), that it was comfortable to ride. The steering was precise and effortless. And it was apparent that it had a very high quality suspension.

Next I put the DS 450 up on the trailer and took the YFZ for a spin. Obviously the YFZ is still bone stock as well because neither machine is even broken in yet. I immediately felt the difference in power down low. The YFZ feels like it has so much power down low that it is on the edge. Like the difference between a crazed animal (YFZ) and a demesticated dog (DS 450). However between the way the power is delivered and the handling of the YFZ it is very "twitchy" in comparison to the smooth DS 450. The DS 450 feels very smooth and consistant in both power and in steering and handling. I would almost call the DS 450 forgiving except it wouldn't be forgiving if you mis-steered because the steering is so precise. If you point toword a ditch you will be in the ditch.

The bottom line for me is that there is a certain fun factor in having a lot of power and torque in the low rpm's that the DS450 is missing. If it had the power that the YFZ does down low I would be in love.

I hear that the bike wakes up well down low with a pipe, open airbox, and cutting the pink wire... But I don't understand why everyone talks about the enormous potential of this engine when it seems to be starting with a disadvantage to the YFZ motor. Does not the YFZ motor "wake up" even more with the same mods? Mod for mod will the DS 450 motor always be behind the YFZ motor in low end power?

02-15-2008, 10:49 AM
Good review and some good questions...I hope we get some good responses from other non biased riders.

02-15-2008, 11:27 AM
I also switched to the DS from riding YFZs since they were released.
I can understand you thinking that the bottom end is a little under powered, but that really is nothing new.
In stock form you have to ride the DS like a 2 stroke. Its just something that you have to get used to. And the DS revs a lot higher than you might think when your riding it. When I first rode the DS I felt like I should shift earlier than I really needed to.

Maybe this would be something that you can compare to. At one point I ran a Max Power 470 motor in my YFZ. If you've ridden a YFZ with a motor like that the power is amazing. Eventually, the motor wasn't very practical because with a stock swingarm it was nearly impossible to keep the front end down when I hammered the gas out of a corner.
When you add an exhaust system and filter to the DS it has a similar change. Its no longer the same quad. You can ride it like a 4-stroke again. I think that making these changes to the DS does have a bigger impact than doing it on the other 450s.

02-15-2008, 11:36 AM
try taking the airbox lid off, snipping the pink wire, and taking the spark arrestor out, that will give it more of a punch for stock form. and if ur still not too happy with the power, try buyin a pipe/silencer to wake it up, hope this helps!

oops, guess u already heard this rumor, now just give it a try :macho

05-11-2008, 10:16 AM
Back in February when I wrote this ride report the ground was covered in snow. I was riding mostly on groomed snowmobile trails, which is allowed in my county as long as the temp stays below 28 degrees. Our trails close from April 1st til May 15th but a few trails were open early on May 9th, so I got to take my 1st ride on my DS 450 X on dirt insted of snow.

So I just wanted to give an update on my impressions...

I went out for about a 4 hour ride with a friend who ride my bone stock 2006 YFZ.

On dirt with a lot of extra traction vs the snow, you can really feel the extra punch when you hit the mid to high RPM range. I think the snow had dampened this effect previously. I very much agree with what someone recently wrote, that it feels like a turbo charged vehicle. When you punch it from idle there is lag and then a very strong kick.

Even with the sluggish low end, I found it a very fun ride and I am very happy with the purchase. The handling is great, the suspension rules, and there is plenty of power for thrilling trail riding.

I of course couldn't help switching with my friend again and comparing the YFZ...

The YFZ still feels much more powerful especially down low, but you immediatley notice the suspension isn't as nice. Also you get tired a lot quicker on the YFZ where the DS450 you could ride for hours without tiring your arms.

Overall I think it is a split decision with the YFZ winning in fun factor, but the DS winning in comfort and long distance riding

05-11-2008, 11:56 AM
Does the DS450 X come with a Killswitch?

05-11-2008, 05:31 PM
i think it differs from dealer to dealer , mine has a killswich like a jetski . very usefull if you think ur gonna come off .
i know what you mean about the bottom end , but im more than happy with the power of the ds , you just gotta down shift to get the most of it . I changed my sprockets for more top end, it did affect the accelaration a bit and it does take a a few seconds longer to get thru the gears.
i ride it mostly on public road as its legal in the uk and im 2 wheel happy on it , its so light and comfy that i just love it
Very happy with it

btw i have the standard ds model

Mr. Big Time
05-11-2008, 08:50 PM
I too came off a YFZ 450 to a DS 450. I raced the YFZ with a 470 motor in it for nearly 2 years, and a white brothers pipe, and jumped to a bone stock DS, and I can honestly say that in about 2 hours of riding I was more comfortable on the DS than the YFZ. The only thing I missed was the the bottome end power--just like what everybody else misses, but just like Waters said, you just have to get used to shifting differently.

I now have a MOTOWORKS pipe and FMI, and the pink wire is cut, and man, the horse power on the bottom end is much more powerfull, I honestly have a hard time with starts, cause my front end always comes up.

But everybody is different, and I like the DS better than the YFZ, and I think it has more power than my 470 YFZ.

05-16-2008, 08:26 AM
the yfz really wakes up with a few mods (cam mod, filter, exhaust,and other small stuff). i really like mine

05-16-2008, 12:31 PM
well i have had my ds since christmas and just last night i was practicing and was going over the woops and my tranny gave way. i was wondering if anyone else has had any issues with theres. im on this site alot reading all the different problems that people have had and i would have to say that i have had none of the above till now. i still love my ds, dont get me wrong i wouldnt trade it for anything except maybe a new one ;-)