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View Full Version : What does you NAT type is not open mean?

02-14-2008, 12:50 PM
I get this error when I start a match on Halo and then I lag the whole game does anyone know how to fix this?

02-14-2008, 01:04 PM
There is 3 different NAT Types. It has to do with your router.

It looks like ports 88 and 3074 need to be fowarded.

For more help on this issue google, Router Port Fowarding.

To get into your router, try typing or You should get a login pop-up. If you have not set a password on your router try typing in admin as the username and leave the password blank or try "password" as the password.

Once in, you should go to some sort of port fowarding tab. You will also probably have to assign you xbox a static ip.

This may all sound pretty confusing but there is alot of walkthroughs on the net and you will probably find one specific to your router that should help you out.

An easier approach would be to set your xbox on a static ip, and then set that ip in the Demilitarized zone (DMZ) which should give you a Type 1 NAT.

Whatever you do your aiming to get a NAT Type 1 or 2.

Google is your friend.

02-14-2008, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by Ralph
There is 3 different NAT Types. It has to do with your router.

It looks like ports 88 and 3074 need to be fowarded.

For more help on this issue google, Router Port Fowarding.

To get into your router, try typing or You should get a login pop-up. If you have not set a password on your router try typing in admin as the username and leave the password blank or try "password" as the password.

Once in, you should go to some sort of port fowarding tab. You will also probably have to assign you xbox a static ip.

This may all sound pretty confusing but there is alot of walkthroughs on the net and you will probably find one specific to your router that should help you out.

An easier approach would be to set your xbox on a static ip, and then set that ip in the Demilitarized zone (DMZ) which should give you a Type 1 NAT.

Whatever you do your aiming to get a NAT Type 1 or 2.

Google is your friend. I don't see any option for a static ip of DMZ? This is wierd I have had this router for a while and have had no problem till today.

02-14-2008, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by TGW_400ex
I don't see any option for a static ip of DMZ? This is wierd I have had this router for a while and have had no problem till today.

You usualy set an ceirtain ip that will be in the DMZ. just pick something random and then assign the xbox's mac address to that ip.

02-14-2008, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by Ralph
You usualy set an ceirtain ip that will be in the DMZ. just pick something random and then assign the xbox's mac address to that ip.
Ok a guy on another forum showed me a site called portforwarding.com and it seems to be helping me out my only question is how do I know what my server ip address is is it the router ip or what?

02-14-2008, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by TGW_400ex
Ok a guy on another forum showed me a site called portforwarding.com and it seems to be helping me out my only question is how do I know what my server ip address is is it the router ip or what?

What do you need the "server ip" for?

02-14-2008, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by Ralph
What do you need the "server ip" for?


That might help you understand what I'm saying I think it needs my xbox's ip but i'm not sure.

02-14-2008, 02:18 PM

02-14-2008, 04:21 PM
K, that page is what you need to do, first you need to assign your 360 a specific ip though.

You can use their guide here, http://www.portforward.com/networking/staticip-xbox360.htm

or you can do this different and maybe easier way: go to your router and look for something that says "Static DHCP" or Just "DHCP".

(This way will also not make you change ur settings in the 360 which will make it easier to connect if you bring it to a friends house or whatever)

You then need to use their tools to identify your 360's mac address. It might just have a drop down list with your 360's info in it. Select it and then give it an IP address. 192.168.0.XXX use whatever you want; for example.

Then go back to that link you posted and follow those instructions using the ip address you assigned to your 360.